SEL Tip of the Week: PAW DAY 4/26 (Telesz)

As Mental Health Awareness Month is upon us in May and a time to raise awareness and reduce stigma about mental health, BLS Wellness Council will be launching our first annual Positivity & Wellness Day (PAW Day). This day will highlight the importance of self-care and engaging in healthy coping skills as a way to improve and maintain one’s mental health.

To celebrate, students will be able to partake in activities such as karaoke, arts & crafts, dodgeball, smoothie tasting, and dancing during PAW Day 2024, which will take place on Friday, April 26, 2024. These activities will take place throughout the day in different locations around campus.

The following activities require a Teacher’s sign up for their class

– Karaoke/Smoothies/Arts & Crafts in the dining hall

– Outdoor Activities in the Back Lawn

– Dodgeball in the Upper Gym

– Dance in the Lower Gym

The following activities require Student sign up through Oculus

– Mindfulness and Rest (R1-R4) in the Electronic Classroom

– Board Games in the Library Fiction Room