Mini-Elective Course on Modern History of Israel and Palestine Offered for Students, Class I-III (Gallagher)

Intensive, ungraded mini-elective for students in grades 10-12 (classes I-III) on the modern history of Israel and Palestine c. 1900 to the present to be offered beginning before the December breakthrough February (Gallagher). This course will center on this question: how can we better and more thoughtfully comprehend the current crisis in Israel and Palestine by immersing ourselves in a study of the modern history of the region? It is hoped that students will come away with a deep historical and humanized knowledge of the region and its people. The mini-elective course will be co-led by Ms. Judi Freeman, former Seevak Chair in History at BLS, and Ms. Janna Ramadan ’18, Harvard ’23, now a graduate student at the University of Cambridge (UK).

The course will meet weekly during W block for 7 weeks as well as during a day-long session in February in which participants will be excused from all of their classes. It will consist of approximately 30 students. It is imperative that all participants attend 100% of the sessions and consent to class norms and agreements to ensure a safe and respectful class community.

At this point, we are trying to assess the level of interest in and commitment to the course. If you are interested in participating and/or would like more information about the class, please complete this survey about your interest and potential participation by no later than Monday, December 11 at 7:45 am.