SEL Tip of the Week (Vasquez) All Classes-(Updated)

Self-awareness and social awareness are two important skills within the five social-emotional learning domains. Here is a brief definition of these domains and how we use them at school, at home, and in our communities.

Self-awareness: the ability to recognize your own emotions and thoughts. It is understanding how your behavior impacts others.

Video: What is Self-Awareness + 5 reasons it’s important (

Here are some examples of self-awareness:

*What are your emotional triggers

*Understanding your strengths and weakness

*Identifying your values

*Acknowledging your emotional responses

*Recognizing your behavior patterns

*Being aware of your limitations and motivation

Social awareness: understanding the point of view of others. The ability to understand social and ethical norms for behavior. Learning how to show empathy or caring for others, and support family and community members.

Video: Social Awareness in Students’ Words (

Here are some examples of social awareness:

*Leaning into others’ perspectives with curiosity.

*Recognizing and acknowledging the inherent strengths in others.

*Demonstrating empathy and compassion. *Showing concern for the feelings of others.

*Identifying diverse cultural and social norms, including unjust ones.