Sneaker Drive (Sarkis and Encarnacao) All Classes

Attention BLS Community!

Do you have sneakers that you no longer need or wear just sitting in your house and have nothing to do with them? The senior class has a solution for you! We’re hosting a sneaker drive with GotSneakers, and the more shoes we collect to donate, the more funds we’ll receive in return. All the funds raised will go to the senior class, and we could really use your help. We are only accepting new, or gently used functional sneakers! There’s a box for the sneaker collection just outside of the main office, and the drive will extend until March 31st. We hope to see you all donating! Students can receive one hour of community service for each pair donated. Please email a picture of your shoes to Ms. Sarkis for verification for InnerView. Thank you so much for your contribution, Your Senior Class Officers