Black History Month Spirit Week (Feb. 7-11) (Pinchem/Metayer) All Classes

Celebrate Black History Month with style!! BLS B.L.A.C.K. (Black Leaders Aspiring for Change and Knowledge) is celebrating Black History Month with Spirit Week. Our theme for this year is “Black is Beautiful: Make Black Inescapable.” With this theme, we wanted to emphasize the beauty and brilliance of Black people and Black culture.

Each day, from February 7-11, will be an opportunity for everyone to dress up according to a celebratory theme. We aspire to create a fun way to highlight what it means to be part of the African diaspora, thus illustrating our pride, how far we’ve come, and how far we strive to go. These are the designated themes for each day:

Monday (02/07/22): Dress for Success Day! – “Fashion is an instant language.” Success, to many, is an ultimate goal. Use today to express yourself through your clothing. Think about what makes you feel successful, what highlights your aspirations, or simply what makes you feel like you

Tuesday (02/08/22): Black Hero Day! – “The greatest power on earth is knowledge.” Dress as your favorite Black hero/role model, real or fiction

Wednesday (02/09/22): Black is Beautiful Day! – “Black is always in fashion.” Dress in all black!

Thursday (02/10/22): Black Artist Day! – Dress as your favorite black music artist, past or present. Represent all genres of black music and the impact they have had.

Friday (02/11/22): Diaspora Day! – “The African diaspora is a worldwide collection of people of African descent.” – Dress in YOUR country, culture, or heritage traditional attire or flag colors.

To capture everyone’s participation each day, we are asking those that dress up to meet at the alma mater statue at 7:30 AM and/or 2:30 PM for a group photo. Photos will be posted on the BLS BLACK Instagram page throughout the week.