Spirit Day, Wednesday, November 24 Scheduling (Skerritt) All Classes

We are excited to return to in-person rallies in the upper gym this year and need your support in making Spirit Day safe and enjoyable for all. Please note:

There will not be a W Day on Wednesday, November 24 and the bell schedule will run as follows:
R1: Special programming for sixies (for all other grades, Day 5, R1 class)
R2: Rally 1 for Class III and IV
R3: Rally 2 for Class VI and V
R4: Rally 3 for Class I and II

Pep rallies will take place in the upper gym and all attendees will be masked at all times. November 24 is a half day, ending after R4. We understand that some students and staff may feel more comfortable in a less crowded space. As an alternative, we are reserving the Dining Hall throughout the morning for those who wish to opt out of the rallies. If you prefer to be in the Dining Hall during the period your grade is scheduled to attend the rally, you must complete this brief form by Monday, November 22 at 3:00 p.m. This form may also be found on student and staff-facing SIS pages.