Senior Class Officers (Sarkis, Encarnacao) Class I

Are you interested in leading the senior class as an officer? If your answer is YES to this question, please consider which office you would like to run for: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and email either Ms. Sarkis ( or Ms. Encarnacao ( to declare your intent to run. *You must be in good academic and disciplinary standing in your junior year to run*

Seniors should email by Friday, September 17th. 

Additionally, In the fall of 2019, the class officers for the class of 2020 started what we had hoped would be a tradition for the senior class for years to come. COVID-19 had other ideas. We want to bring this back this year and WE NEED YOU! If you would like to be part of a committee to put on the annual Senior Kick-Off which will take place on Friday, September 24th, on the back grass area at BLS we could use your creativity, inspiration, and community building skills. Please email Ms. Encarnacao and Ms. Sarkis with your interest and we will set up a time to meet. (This is a great way to show off your leadership skills in working with others and bringing your class together if you are thinking of running for office.)