SPC Meeting This Thursday: Summer Opportunities for Students! (Pierce) All Classes

Families please join the School Parent Council meeting this Thursday, April 15, 7:00-8:00 pm as we welcome Mr. Jim Levesque (Deitch Leadership Institute), Mr. Thomas Kennelly (Clough Center for Global Understanding), and Ms. Lucey Gorrill (PIC) who will talk about summer opportunities, including virtual service and global programming, employment (finance, health, tech, law, camps, community centers), financial literacy workshops, and more.

Please come with your questions. Q & A will be reserved at the later part of the presentation.
Where: us02web.zoom.us/j/86369666415?pwd=OW1HeFViaXlvRXRxQWVlWnRTY2Evdz09
Meeting ID: 863 6966 6415
Passcode: 781954