BLSJCL Service Event: Advocacy on Civil Liberties Issues with ACLU (Moguel) All Classes

On Wednesday, March 3, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, BLSJCL will be hosting a speaker from the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts to discuss civil liberties issues related to privacy, and current state and federal legislation pending on privacy issues including on surveillance/facial recognition technology. You can receive 1.5 hours of community service for attending this event. This will be coupled with a write-in on the same topic following the event, and you will be able to receive an additional 15 minutes of service per letter you write and send. This event is in support of the Massachusetts JCL statewide service event for the year which encourages schools clubs to engage in group advocacy on issues important to our community. It is a chance to write letters and emails, and make phone calls to elected officials to campaign for a range of causes. The event is open to all BLS students so please join us and consider asking your friends to join as well.

You can register for the event here.