Middle School Science Bowl Team Tryouts (Zou) Class VI, V

Science Bowl is holding tryouts for the Middle School Science Bowl Regional competition on Saturday, February 20th. Tryouts will be happening Tuesday 2/10 (round 1) and Friday 2/12 (round 2) after school at 2:00 PM at this  Zoom Link (k12-bostonpublicschools.zoom.us/j/4754497933?pwd=VUJqdkNKTUhyNUFCRHE1YXNmVzNsUT09). If you are interested and are in 7th or 8th grade, please sign up using this Form Link (forms.gle/E6YNLd7g99tPtU2AA) —if you have any questions, please email awu3@bostonk12.org.