Wolfpack Volunteers & Recycling Committee: Green Cleaning (ongoing event) Are you an avid climate enthusiast or in need of community service hours? If so, Wolfpack Volunteers and Recycling Club’s joint Green Cleaning service project is perfect for you! Students have the option of either: 1) collecting recycling or picking up trash in their neighborhoods (taking before/after pictures as proof) and then writing up short statements about their experiences (what they thought or observed) OR 2) reaching out to environmental non-profit organizations to spread some love and cheer during this time! For the former opportunity, students will receive one hour per submission, and for the latter, students will receive 0.5 hours per letter.
These should be emailed to either or blsrecyclingcommittee@gmail.com or wolfpackvolunteersbls@gmail.com. Please read through detailed guidelines at docs.google.com/document/d/1g5n8-gvfvFgCnn_OuZKcronBOpS5AIhH1g7hn0XMAKI/edit for more information on volunteer hours and submission requirements to get started. Happy greening!