Career Interest Group for Class III (Clougherty) Class III

The School Counseling Department plans to engage Class III students in a career interest workshop next Wednesday, January 22 during W block over Zoom. Students should remain in their homerooms to log on to this program. Please be sure that you have a charged Chromebook and headphones in W block on that day to participate.

We will get you thinking about possible career paths and resources you can take advantage of to explore these including summer employment, community service, and course selections. You will take a Career Interest Inventory on Naviance and have the results of this inventory for future exploration. We will also reintroduce you to Naviance, a resource you will use throughout the college exploration and application process. Please keep an eye out for an email that includes a Zoom link. You’ll be asked to log on after attendance is taken in homeroom on that day. We look forward to engaging you in this workshop!