The Pathway Initiative (Bateman) Class IV, III, II, I

The Pathway Initiative provides access and support for talented and motivated African American, Hispanic, and Latino students, helping them reach their medical career potential. Through two programs: 1. Student Internship Program is for 11th-12th grade students interested in careers in medicine, health sciences, and STEM. The internship offers invaluable clinical exposure, scientific research training, and the development of key soft skills crucial for academic and professional success. $15/hour from mid-October 2024 to late April 2025 (Max 10 hours/week). Requirements: Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin, Able to conduct independent research and mentor younger STEM students, Registration Deadline: September 20 2. High School Medical Academy is for 9th-11th students who plan to enroll in a four-year Pre-Medical college immediately following graduation. Ideal candidates will demonstrate persistence, leadership, and a desire to mentor others in underserved communities. Unpaid. Requirements: 14-16 years old, Low-income, African American, Hispanic, or Latinx Interested in learning more about the health field! Registration Deadline: September 20 and