Monthly Archives: March 2025

PAWse Space – Wed, 3/12, Day 1 (Wang) All Classes-New

PAWse Space is a place where students can go during their study hall to take a pause, de-stress, and participate in activities related to positivity and wellness. For March, we will be doing origami and activities to welcome spring!

Students must sign up in advance and will receive a pass and directions through their email. Sign-ups are available for W-Block or study halls ONLY, and you must stay for the full period.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Wang (

Wolfpack Volunteers Officer Applications (Zou) All Classes

Join a cool group of student leaders in helping connect more students with service organizations for meaningful volunteer opportunities!! We are looking for dedicated & hard working candidates who are willing to show up and put in the effort. Prior experience is NOT necessary. Available roles include External Liaison, Internal Liaison, Internal Activities Coordinator, Media Manager, Treasurer, and Webmaster. Classes IV, III, II in particular are encouraged to apply.

National Latin Exams: Monday, March 10th – Friday, March 14th (Lewis-da Ponte) All Classes

Administration of the National Latin Exam will occur during R1 in the dining hall Monday, March 10th through Friday, March 14th. Students who have been chosen to take the exam should present the teacher whose class they will miss with a pass DAYS IN ADVANCE.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Monday, March 10th – Class VI and Poetry Students
  • Tuesday, March 11th – Class V, 9B, and AP Students
  • Thursday, March 13th – Class IV and 10B Students
  • Friday, March 14th – Class III Students

Athletic Locker Cleanout (Owens) All Classes

All athletic lockers must be cleared by Friday March 7 unless you are still competing in your sport. Locker numbers for those athletes have been provided to the Athletic Department.

Spring athletes are not permitted to use lockers until the start of the spring season.

Locks will be cut and items will be donated by Tuesday March 10.

Fourth Public Declamation Tryouts Thursday, March 13th (Amico & Kerpan) All Classes

Open to all grades! Tryouts will be held on Thursday, March 13th in the auditorium between 2:30-4:00pm. You may declaim a passage or abridged version of a poem, speech, book, essay, or play. The duration of the text may not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If interested and for more information, please complete this GOOGLE FORM. Submissions are due on Thursday, March 7th at 11:59pm. The assembly is scheduled for Thursday, March 27th, and the audience will be Class III. ,

Save the Date – Faculty Talent Show! (Sarkis/Encarnacao) All Classes

Save the date for the annual Faculty Talent Show! The show is on Friday March 21st from 2:30-4:00pm in the Auditorium.

Tickets are $5 in advanced and $7 at the door and benefit the junior and senior proms. Tickets will be sold at lunch during the week of the 17th or from a senior class officer.

BLS BLACK celebrates Women’s History Month (Pinchem/Metayer) All Classes

During the month of March, BLS BLACK (Black Leaders Aspiring for Change and Knowledge) will celebrate the incredible contributions of women to our society, our communities, and our personal lives. To mark this special occasion, we have invited 2 distinguished women of color from diverse backgrounds in the Arts and STEM/business sectors. These remarkable women will share their inspiring journeys and the paths that led them to their current roles.

The first event is an Arts Session with Amanda Shea, a renowned spoken word artist, educator, and publicist and will take place on Thursday, March 6 from 2:40 PM – 3:30 PM in Room 114. The second event is a STEM/Business Session with Enna Jimenez, a seasoned expert in Leadership, Technology, and Transformation Management on Thursday, March 13 from 2:40 PM – 3:30 PM in Room 114.

There will be food and drinks provided for both events.

SEL Tip of the Week: Setting Boundaries (Wang) All Classes

It’s easy to feel like you have to say “yes” to everything—whether it’s hanging out with friends, extra school activities, or helping others. But setting healthy boundaries is key to maintaining your mental and emotional well-being. This week, practice saying “no” when you feel overwhelmed or need time to recharge. It’s okay to prioritize your own needs, and doing so will help you stay balanced and focused.

Remember: Setting boundaries isn’t selfish; it’s a way to take care of yourself so you can show up as your best self!

City of Boston Youth Job Fair (Clougherty) All Classes

The Office of Youth Employment and Opportunity (YEO) is hosting a Jobs and Resource Fair on Saturday, March 29, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Reggie Lewis Track and Field Center. The fair will feature job placement opportunities, career development workshops, free food, raffles, giveaways, games, and more for youth and families. Learn more here.

Meditation Course – a Capstone experience (Bateman) Class III, II, I

Have you ever wondered how meditation affects not just your mind, but your body on a deep, biological level? During the next 8 weeks, you could explore the science behind meditation, how it influences your genes through epigenetics, and even how stress and trauma can be passed down through generations. Each session will wrap up with a short guided meditation to help you apply what you’ve learned and experience the benefits firsthand. No prior experience is needed—just curiosity and an open mind! Join us every Wednesday after school from 2:30 – 3:10 and discover how meditation can transform not only your well-being but possibly even your DNA. This seminar will be run by Daniela Shortell, a senior capstone student aspiring to discover the impact meditation has on trauma and share her knowledge with her peers. There will only be 12 spots open to students in grades 10, 11, and 12. Sessions begin on March 4th and run every Wednesday for the next 8 weeks. If you would like to attend, please fill out this form to be admitted or wait listed.

Ramadan Mubarak! (Murray) All Classes

Ramadan Mubarak!

In consultation with the Boston Public Schools Office of Equity and our state guidance, we must support our students to observe their faith while doing our best to ensure they will not miss any instruction.

Beginning this February 28th we will have space available in the library for those who want to pray either during their assigned lunch time or immediately after school at 2:15. All students will be expected to be present in their classes so they do not miss any instruction time.

In addition, for students who will be fasting, starting February 28th, the library has been reserved for you as an alternative space to spend the lunch period for the duration of Ramadan. If you want to access that space, please fill out this form so we can take attendance and communicate with your family.

As always, please reach out to your guidance counselor with any questions or concerns. We wish a safe, happy, and generous Ramadan to all members of our community who observe the holiday.

Join BLS Quiz Bowl for the Lexington Invitational Grand High School Tournament! (Zou) All Classes

Are you interested in trivia? Have you competed in previous buzzer-based competitions such as Certamen, History Bowl, or the Mathcounts Countdown Round? Join BLS’s team for the Lexington Invitational Grand High School Tournament this Saturday, March 1, 2025. No experience needed! Categories include anything from history, literature, pop culture, and even current events! To sign up, fill out this quick google form:

If you have any questions, feel free to email them to or!

GSA’s Community Event (03/05 during W-block) (Murray) All Classes

BLS’s Gender-Sexuality Alliance will be hosting a community event on Wednesday, 03/05, during W-block! Held in the Seevak Room, it will provide a safe space for students to chill and debrief amidst all of the chaos going on around the country and world. Snacks, music, board games, Kahoot, and more will be provided. Bring your friends! All are welcome!!

When: Wednesday, 03/05 during W-block

Where: Seevak Room

We hope to see you there!

Fill out this form to get a pass!

PIC application is open! (Laverty) Class III, II, I

The PIC application is officially open for summer 2025 internships! Please share your resume as a PDF -not a Google DOC. I look forward to reviewing all of your applications!

Please remember to register for the PIC preview days! They will be hosted on zoom from 4:00-5:30pm.

  • Healthcare: Wed February 26th
  • Finance: Thursday February 27th
  • STEM: Wednesday March 5th
  • Arts, Govt & Higher Ed: Thursday March 6th

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out, enjoy your February vacation!

BLS Big Band wins Gold medals (Pitts) All Classes

Congratulations to the BLS Big Band for receiving a Gold Medal at the Norwood Jazz Classic and the MAJE Cape Code Jazz Festival. Oustanding Musicianship Awards went to Cynthia Francis on Alto Sax, Justin Gao on Trombone, and Carina Szocik on Piano. Carina was also awarded the Outstanding Soloist Award for Division I. The band recently competed at the Mingus festival in NYC and Carina Szocik was awarded an outstanding soloist award and got to perform with the Mingus Big Band that evening. At the District festival, the Band received a perfect score from all three judges. They will be competing in the State Finals on March 22 in Norwood.

Spring Sports Meeting (Owens) All Classes

Spring Sports Meeting

Monday March 3, 2025 (DATE CHANGED FROM 2/27)

2:30 Auditorium

3:00 Team Meetings (Locations TBD)

This is a mandatory meeting for all student athletes interested in a spring sport at BLS. Students will attend a presentation by Athletic Director Owens in the Auditorium at 2:30 and meet with respective teams and coaches at 3pm

Ramadan (Murray) All Classes

In conjunction with the Boston Public Schools Office of Equity and with state guidance, we will continue to support our students to observe their faith while doing our best to ensure they will not miss any instruction.

Beginning this Monday, March 3, we will have space available in the library for those who want to pray either during their assigned lunch time or immediately after school at 2:15. All students will be expected to be present in their classes so they do not miss any instruction time.

In addition, for students who will be fasting, starting March 3, the library has been reserved for you as an alternative space to spend the lunch period for the duration of Ramadan.

As always, please reach out to your guidance counselor with any questions or concerns. We wish a safe, happy, and generous Ramadan to all members of our community who observe the holiday.

Capstone Art/Music Course (Bateman) All Classes

For my Capstone Project, I am researching the punk scene of New York City in the 1970s, and how the scene pushed the punk agenda, valuing authenticity and the freedom of creative expression. I am creating a seven-week curriculum for an out of school class that explores the visual and performing arts of the punk scene era of New York City in the 1970s.

This March, I invite BLS students to participate in a three-week trial run of the course. The course will take place in room 517 in the Art Wing during W-Block on March 5, 12, and 19. All grade levels are welcome to sign up! By attending, you will also be able to get community service hours for your participation! Please commit to all three of the W Block periods, for each lesson is tied to the next. Fill out the sign up form here:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at