BLS is going to Ghana in 2025! (Pinchem) Class III, II, I

We are planning a trip to visit Accra, Ghana during February break 2025. This trip will provide BLS students with an opportunity to go deeper in their knowledge of history of West Africa and the African Diaspora in America. It will help ensure all students who participate, especially students of color, increase their self-awareness, self-identity, and self-confidence. There is a great deal of diversity in the student population in Boston Public Schools, and there is one general point of unity; and that’s education within the walls and beyond the walls of the classroom.

This program examines the relationship between traditional and modern Ghanaian life through the lens of historical periods such as colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade. Students will take part in hands-on activities that will explore trade routes, traditional livelihoods, and modern diaspora connections. A service learning interaction with a local school in Accra gives students a chance to learn about culture and day-to-day life from their peers while giving to the community.

There will be an interest meeting on Wednesday, September 11 at 2:30 PM in Room 114. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Pinchem in Room 114 or email her at