Monthly Archives: September 2024

Back-to- School Night for Parents/Guardians of Class V-I Students, Thursday, September 26, 6:00-8:00 p.m. (Gallagher) Class V, IV, III, II, I-New

We welcome parents and guardians of Class V-I students (grades 8-12) to our in-person Back-to-School Night on Thursday, September 26 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Our fall Back-to-School Night provides parents/guardians with the opportunity to learn more about coursework, teacher expectations, and classroom procedures. Caregivers will follow their students’ Day 1 schedules; students should share their schedules in advance of Thursday.

By Wednesday, families will receive a reminder email that includes information about very limited parking options (we suggest taking public transport!), and other logistics.

LEAH Project Paid Internship (Bateman) Class II, I

The LEAH Project is a STEM access and college & career readiness program for high school youth historically underrepresented in STEM. This internship is for high school students interested in science and teaching and being a role model for younger students. WHEN: October 29th – May 14th WHO: Juniors and seniors are encouraged to apply, and all applicants must be at least 16 years old by October 29th, 2024.

WHERE: Time is split between LEAH’s Office (2 Boylston St., Boston, MA 02116) and afterschool programs in the Boston area. Site placements begin in January. The application deadline is midnight Sunday, October 6th, 2024.

The Pathway Initiative (Bateman) Class IV, III, II, I

The Pathway Initiative provides access and support for talented and motivated African American, Hispanic, and Latino students, helping them reach their medical career potential. Through two programs: 1. Student Internship Program is for 11th-12th grade students interested in careers in medicine, health sciences, and STEM. The internship offers invaluable clinical exposure, scientific research training, and the development of key soft skills crucial for academic and professional success. $15/hour from mid-October 2024 to late April 2025 (Max 10 hours/week). Requirements: Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin, Able to conduct independent research and mentor younger STEM students, Registration Deadline: September 20 2. High School Medical Academy is for 9th-11th students who plan to enroll in a four-year Pre-Medical college immediately following graduation. Ideal candidates will demonstrate persistence, leadership, and a desire to mentor others in underserved communities. Unpaid. Requirements: 14-16 years old, Low-income, African American, Hispanic, or Latinx Interested in learning more about the health field! Registration Deadline: September 20 and

EC Fair and Club Registration! (Murray) All Classes

Want to start or join a club? Check out the new BLS extracurricular website at! Explore or promote club opportunities, receive guidance from experienced club leaders, and build your community. You can also display or discover club events on the Upcoming Events calendar. Email Ms. Murray with images of your club to be featured on the website! Also, register your clubs by tomorrow to a save space in the EC Fair, happening on 9/24 and 9/25, from 2:20-3:20 in the Dining Hall!

Ghana trip 2025! There’s still time to sign up. (Pinchem) Class III, II, I

If you missed the informational meeting for the BLS-sponsored trip to Ghana in 2025, there’s still time to sign up. This trip will provide BLS students with an opportunity to go deeper in their knowledge of the history of West Africa and the African Diaspora in America. It will help ensure all students who participate, especially students of color, increase their self-awareness, self-identity, and self-confidence.

During this trip, students will examine the relationship between traditional and modern Ghanaian life through the lens of historical periods such as colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade. Students will take part in hands-on activities that will explore trade routes, traditional livelihoods, and modern diaspora connections. A service learning interaction with a local school in Accra gives students a chance to learn about culture and day-to-day life from their peers while giving to the community.

The deadline to sign up via the Google form and pay the non-refundable deposit is Friday, September 27. The deadline to apply for financial aid for this trip is this Friday, September 20.

If you have any questions, please see Ms. Pinchem in Room 114 or email her at

STEM/Healthcare opportunity- Harvard Medical Center (Laverty) Class II, I

HPREP is a free 10-week program running from November to February. Sessions will occur in person on Saturdays, enabling students to come to Harvard Medical School and interact with like-minded peers. The program consists of interactive lectures and hands-on activities, professional development, and 1-on-1 mentoring to equip students with the excitement, knowledge, skills, confidence, and community support necessary to pursue education and careers in science and health professions.

Apply with the link below!

Multilingual Student Helpers Wanted for Back-to-School Night, Thursday, September 26 -Class VI, V, IV, III

We need a limited number of students in Class IV-I who speak and understand a language other than English to help guide families at our Back-to-School Night, on Thursday, September 26. Interested students should plan to be in school from 5:00-8:00 p.m. on that night. Please complete this short form by Tuesday, September 24. Community Service hours granted of course. Thank you!

Boch Center Teen leadership council 2024-2025 ( Laverty) Class III, II, I

The Teen Leadership Council is a school-year youth employment program that will hire up to 18 Teen Leaders, ages 14-18, specializing in an area of the performing arts – dance, music, or acting – using the arts for social change in their communities. Teen Leaders will work collaboratively to create an original Final Showcase performance and arts-based workshops on a social justice topic. Teen Leaders will deepen their job readiness skills, practice facilitating groups while engaging community members in a meaningful dialogue, and operate as agents of change in their communities.

Open House for Parents/Guardians of Class VI Students, Thursday, September 19, 6:00-8:00 p.m.-Gallagher-Class VI

We welcome parents and guardians of our Class VI students (grade 7) to learn more about the year ahead at our in-person Back-to-School Night on Thursday, September 19 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. By Wednesday, Class VI families will receive details about the evening, including the format, limited parking options (we suggest taking public transport!), and other logistics.

Our annual Back-to-School Night for students of all other grades will be held the following Thursday, September 26.

Student Body Representatives for Student Council (Levesque) All Classes

Student Council is currently recruiting Student Body Representatives (i.e. Homeroom Reps) for the upcoming year. The Council welcomes ALL students who want to join a large, representative cohort of student leaders who share their voices at Town Hall meetings every month. Interested students should tell their homeroom teacher, who will submit names to the Student Council Advisor, Mr. Levesque. Email with questions. Thank you!

First Public Declamation Tryouts: Wed. Oct. 2 (Amico)-All Classes

Open to all grades! Tryouts will be held on Wednesday, October 2 in the auditorium between 2:30-4:00pm. You may declaim a passage or abridged version of a poem, speech, book, essay, or play. The duration of the text may not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If interested and for more information, please complete this GOOGLE FORM. Submissions are due on Sept. 26 11:59 pm. The assembly is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 18 and the audience will be Class VI. Please email Mx. Amico or Mr. Kerpan with questions!

ParentSquare Info Session, Thursday, September 19 (BPS Tech / Hourigan) All Classes

The Boston Public Schools Parent University Team invites all BPS families to a webinar on ParentSquare, the new communications system on Thursday, September 19, 2024, from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Zoom.

The webinar will support BPS families and caregivers in navigating the ParentSquare app, as well as how families can set their preferences for receiving notifications from their students’ school as well as district-wide notifications.

You can learn more and register for the ParentSquare Webinar by visiting the link in this post. Any BPS families with any questions can email the Parent University Team at

Auditions for the One Acts! Gels All Classes

Come audition for BLS Theatre’s one-act! The three shows will be The Waiting Room, Jason, and the Arrrgonauts, and It’s Always the Butler. Audition materials and sign-ups are on the bulletin board across the black box (416)

These auditions are restricted to grades 7 to 10. Two shows focused on casting 7th and 8th graders and one on casting 9th and 10th graders.

Auditions are on Tuesday, September 17 and 18 after school.

BLS Crew Information Session, Tuesday, September 17, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. (Pierce) All Classes

Are you interested in joining the crew? All ages/genders are welcome and no experience is required! Visit the purple tent in the yard behind the Dining Hall on Tuesday, September 17, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. to ask questions, meet fellow rowers, and eat free cupcakes!

For more information, visit or see Coach Fearon in Room 316 (

Wolfpack 5K – Saturday September 21 (Owens) All Classes

On Saturday, September 21, all members of the BLS community are warmly invited to attend the Annual Wolfpack 5K at Franklin Park.

The race begins at 9:00 a.m. (registration starts at 8:00 a.m.) with all proceeds to BLS athletics.

To register and for more information, please see

If you would like to volunteer for tasks associated with planning and race day operations, please fill out this form

Girls Ice Hockey Meeting (Collins/Owens) All Classes-Updated

Any students interested in trying out for the BLS Girls Hockey Team are invited and encouraged to attend an informational meeting on Wednesday, 9/18 during W-Block (9:12-10:02) in the Roche Upper Gym.

Please fill out the Google form ( You will receive a confirmation message after completing the form. Please show that confirmation to your homeroom teacher before the start of the period to be excused. All students in Classes VI-I interested in girls’ hockey are welcome!

Join Wolfettes for Karaoke and fun! Snyder-(All Class)

Do you love to sing? Want to hang out with friends? Kick off the school year with fun and music! Join the Wolfettes, Boston Latin School’s girls a cappella group, for karaoke on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 2:30 PM. Snacks will be provided

Location: Room 423, Music Wings

Fill- out the form below to let us know you’re coming! Check out the flyer below:

(Business) Venture Camp (Levesque) Class III, II, I

Venture Camp is an organization “where ambitious high school students gain real-world skills and launch their businesses.” This fall they will offer two programs for students – Innovation Connect and Launch a Startup – that dive deeper into the world of entrepreneurship, business, and technology through self-directed and experiential learning. Learn more and apply at Grades 9-12. Deadline is this Sunday, September 15. Scholarship applications are available at and Email questions to (Note: DLI is unfamiliar with Venture Camp beyond the contents of this post. Sharing, not endorsing, the opportunity.)

From the School Store (DeAngelo) All Classes-Updated

Beginning on Friday, September 13th, the school store, located in the front corner ( near the Avenue) of the dining hall is open every Friday during the lunch periods from 11:20 -12:40.
Orders that are placed online can be picked up during this time.  In person shopping is also available. We accept cash, credit cards, Apple Pay, and checks.
The online store is open 24/7 and we are one click away at :

Tech Reminders and Updates (Hourigan) All Classes

The Tech Office, located on the ground floor at the bottom of the Main Office stairs, is open to students from 7:25 to 3:00.

– You can now reset your password. Log into with the Google button, click on your name, and choose “Set new password”.

– MAP testing is Monday, Sept. 9, and Tuesday, Sept. 10 with grades 7-9. Please bring your charged Chromebook to school every day, including testing days.

– If your Chromebook won’t turn on, plug it in, hold the Refresh key, and press the power button.

Play Ultimate Frisbee! (Luu) All Classes

Play Ultimate! Boston high school and middle school groups will be playing this fall, organized by the Boston Ultimate Disc Alliance (BUDA). No experience is required! Ultimate is a team sport with a lot of action and no referees. Experienced coaches teach the skills and the rules, and middle and high school teams will play against other towns. For more information, go to and look for links for the Boston site.

BLACK 2 School Info Session and Cookout (Pinchem/Metayer/Jacobson-Peregrino) All Classes

BLS B.L.A.C.K. (Black Leaders Aspiring for Change and Knowledge) and BLS T.A.G. (Talented and Gifted Latino), two grass-roots student-led organizations, will kick off the 2024-25 school year with a BLACK 2 School Information Session and Cookout on Friday, September 13 from 3:30 – 6:00 PM. This after-school event will begin with an informational session in the auditorium and end with a cookout in the back courtyard.

The purpose of the event is to bring together new students, especially new students of color, who often struggle with finding community and their overall acclimation to a new school and environment. The goal is to help incoming 7th graders (Sixies) and 9th graders (Bsies) establish relationships and build a community to help offset the stress and anxiety that can be experienced when struggling to find a home away from home.

The event is sponsored by the BLS Black Alumni Network (BLS BAN). All are welcome. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact

BLS is going to Ghana in 2025! (Pinchem) Class III, II, I

We are planning a trip to visit Accra, Ghana during February break 2025. This trip will provide BLS students with an opportunity to go deeper in their knowledge of history of West Africa and the African Diaspora in America. It will help ensure all students who participate, especially students of color, increase their self-awareness, self-identity, and self-confidence. There is a great deal of diversity in the student population in Boston Public Schools, and there is one general point of unity; and that’s education within the walls and beyond the walls of the classroom.

This program examines the relationship between traditional and modern Ghanaian life through the lens of historical periods such as colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade. Students will take part in hands-on activities that will explore trade routes, traditional livelihoods, and modern diaspora connections. A service learning interaction with a local school in Accra gives students a chance to learn about culture and day-to-day life from their peers while giving to the community.

There will be an interest meeting on Wednesday, September 11 at 2:30 PM in Room 114. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Pinchem in Room 114 or email her at

Keefe Library Media Center – Opening schedule (Ellis/Safran) All Classes

Welcome back! We will reopen to students following this schedule:

Wednesday, September 11: The library reopens for grades 8-12 to come from study hall. After-school hours begin for all students. See the sign-up information below.

Monday, September 30: 7th-grade students may begin signing up for library study hall slots

Signing up for the library: Students must create an account in Oculus to sign up for study hall. (Check the spam folder if you do not see an email during the setup process.) After-school sign-up is through LibCal. All students can come to the library after school.

Students are always allowed to drop by to check out and return books, print, or ask the librarians a question.

BLS Theatre Meeting! (Gels) All Classes

Are you interested in acting, improv comedy, lights, set, backstage, etc? Come to the BLS Theatre Meeting and learn all about what’s happening in BLS Theatre this year.

Come to Room 416 (The Black Box) at 2:30 on Monday, September 9

2024 Nunchi Boston Young Leaders Conference (BYLC) Luu-Class IV, III, II, I

Nunchi Health is a Harvard Medical student-founded nonprofit dedicated to building culturally inclusive mental health for all. We build inclusive spaces where people from all cultural backgrounds can learn about and prioritize their mental health, and actively participate in the healing of their communities through peer support. Nunchi is the Korean concept describing a subtle art and the ability to listen and gauge other’s moods. At Nunchi Health, we hear the voices of our generation. The Nunchi Boston Young Leaders Conference (BYLC) is designed to inspire and equip students with the knowledge and skills to become mental health advocates in their communities. The event features a variety of engaging activities, including a presentation session, career panel, interactive workshops, and student panel. The event will be held on Saturday, September 21st on Harvard’s campus in Cambridge, MA.

Students can register for the event at this link: