Citywide School Showcase Looking for Volunteers! Community Service Opportunity on Saturday 12/2 (Luu) Class IV, III, II, I

On Saturday, December 2, the Citywide School Showcase will take place and present an opportunity for all of our Boston families to learn about our wonderful schools in one place.

The event organizers are looking for volunteers to assist with this event. If interested, please follow the instructions below:

1) Showcase Sign-up Registration Link

2) For “Department/Company”, put down “Boston Latin School”

3) For the question “Will you be able to volunteer at Showcase: Saturday, December 2nd, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM”, select “Yes”

4) Select “Floater” for Role. The event organizers will then get in touch with you.

Please make sure you take a picture of yourself at the event so you can document your community service hours and log that information into InnerView.