Seniors are reminded that they MUST post 100+ hours of community service on InnerView as an expectation and graduation requirement. Posts should include a photo or screenshot with the student included, a description of service, and the supervisor’s name and contact info. This is past due and should be completed immediately.
Monthly Archives: May 2022
InnerView community service awards (Kennelly) Class IV, III, II, I
Students selected by InnerView for their service received InnerView community service awards in homeroom.
Seniors – Download your Google Data Now (Hourigan) Class I
While you will have access to your BPS account until the rosters turn over in the summer, Please take steps now, before your account is disabled, to visit and download the data and files that are important to you.
W Block in the Keefe Library (Ellis/Harari) All Classes
The Keefe Library is open during W for students in the following activities: club meetings, small group meetings with a teacher, special events (speakers, town halls, etc.), group project work (arranged in advance by the teacher), and Fiber Arts with Ms. Harari. Because more than 2000 students use W as a study hall and library staffing is limited, the Keefe Library is unable to support printing and individual study hall sign up. Email Ms. Ellis or Ms. Harari with any questions.
Tuesday, May 3, 2022 Day 3
Senior Class Officers (Sarkis/Encarnacao) Class II
Any rising seniors interested in running for a senior class officer position in the fall are invited to attend a brief info session after school on Tuesday, May 31st in Room 208. The positions available are President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. We look forward to meeting all of you there!
BLS JCL Coin Wars Results (Moguel) All Classes
Gratias maximas to all who contributed to our Coin Wars fundraiser! We raised a record $4900 for BLS scholars traveling to the National JCL convention this summer! The winning teachers and officers are:
Mr. Howard & Devin Ho
Ms. Lau & Ailin Sha
Join us on the lawn behind the dining hall this Friday after school to see them receive their “prizes” (ice water, eggs, silly string, pie in the face)! Check out @bls_jcl on Instagram to see us spin the wheel to decide their fate!
Friday, May 27, 2022 Day 2
Faculty/Student Basketball Game this Thursday! (Levesque) All Classes
Student Council will host the annual Faculty/Student Basketball game this Thursday (May 26) at 2:30 in the upper gym. It’s students versus teachers, with the BLS Step Squad performing at halftime. The following faculty members have committed to play: Mr. Galego, Mr. Osowiecki, Mr. Howard, Mr. Carino, Ms. Encarnacao, Mr. Boor, Mr. Smith (History), Mr. McQuade, Mr. DeVelis, Ms. Kelly, Mr. Carino, and Mr. Blackett. It’s been a 2-year COVID hiatus, so come watch this fun (and very competitive) game. Bragging rights and a shiny trophy is at stake. Tickets ($3) are available during lunch outside the dining hall, as well as at the door. Proceeds will go to a charity of the Student Council’s choice. Email questions to Mr. Levesque (
BLS TAG Alumni College Panel (Jacobson-Peregrino) All Classes
Are you curious about the college process and maybe what life is like post-BLS? What are some tricks and tips for college applications? What are a few resources I can use at BLS and outside? If these sound like your questions, come to TAG’s alumni college panel this Thursday (5/26) in the electronic classroom. We’ll have college students from a number of BLS graduating classes explain their own experiences and give advice on how you can make the most out of your time at BLS. All BLS students are invited to attend. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to
NHS Decision Letters (Finnigan) Class II, I
NHS decision letters have been delivered to the HRs of those who applied during this induction round. If you did not receive your letter, please check with your HR teacher and then email Mr. Finnigan ASAP. Please read the letters carefully, as they contain important next steps for inductees and reasoning for non-selection. Questions? Contact Mr. Finnigan (
Argo Senior Surveys (Moon) Class I
The Argo publishes seniors’ responses to survey questions for its Graduation Issue. The following form ( is due by June 2 at 4 PM. Please read the disclaimer at the top because submitting. Only seniors may submit.
Argo Senior Photos (Moon) Class I
Submit photos in a JPEG format to by Friday, June 3 to be featured on the front and back pages of the Argo’s Graduation Issue!
Submit to the Argo’s Advice Column! – Senior Edition (Moon) Class I
Seniors, submit questions to Kelsey & Maggie’s Corner, the Argo’s official advice column, through the following link (, to be answered in your Graduation Issue!
Posse Foundation Scholarship – Nomination Requests due June 3 (Frank Reichman) Class II
BLS has been invited to nominate up to 23 members of the Class of 2023 to be considered for the Posse Scholarship, which includes a 4-year full-tuition scholarship to one of the following five schools:
Bryn Mawr College (PA) [STEM women only]
Bucknell University (PA)
Centre College (KY)
Denison University (OH)
Union College (NY)
Posse nominees should demonstrate extraordinary academic and leadership potential.
Students who are a good fit for the Posse scholarship program are:
Interested in attending one of the five Boston Posse schools (listed above)
Willing and excited to go away to college in a Posse, a small group of 10 peers
Students who value diversity and teamwork
Willing to apply Early Decision to the school they are selected for (students do not need to commit to this application plan until October).
How to Be Nominated:
If you are interested in being nominated for the program please complete the attached form by June 3.
Ms. Frank will provide an update on the status of your nomination in June. Nominated students will be invited in August to participate in a group interview that will take place in early September.
Junior Achievement Summer Institute (Levesque) Class V, IV, III, II
This summer, 40-60 high school students will join Junior Achievement in-person for 5 days of interactive, company-led workshops focused on personal finance, stock market, design thinking, pitching a product, career exploration, and interviewing skills. Students will take what they’ve learned throughout the week and apply it to the culminating session, Speed Networking, where they will connect with business professionals from a variety of industries. Current members of Classes II-V, please. Email Sue Ung ( with questions. The application deadline is Friday, May 27. Learn more and apply at:
Thursday, May 26, 2022 Day 1
Faculty/Student Basketball Game this Thursday! (Levesque) All Classes
Student Council will host the annual Faculty/Student Basketball game this Thursday (May 26) at 2:30 in the upper gym. It’s students versus teachers, with the BLS Step Squad performing at halftime. The following faculty members have already committed to play: Mr. Galego, Mr. Osowiecki, Mr. Howard, Mr. Carino, Ms. Encarnacao, and Mr. Boor. It’s been a 2 year COVID hiatus, so come watch this fun (and very competitive) game. Bragging rights and a shiny trophy is at stake. Tickets are $3 and available to purchase during lunch outside the dining hall, proceeds for which will go to a charity of the Student Council’s choice. Email questions to Mr. Levesque (
Crystal Apple Award Recipients (Levesque) All Classes
The Student Council is proud to announce the following faculty members as recipients of the 2022 Crystal Apple Awards for Excellence in Teaching – Ms. Dunn, Ms. Campot, and Mr. Walker. Ms. Dunn will also receive the Gerald L. Gitner ’62 & Family Award for Outstanding Teaching. Students submitted a record-setting 60 nominations in support of their teachers, which is a testament to the talent, dedication, and hard work of the BLS faculty. Congratulations to all.
Wednesday, May 25, 2022 Day 6W
Paper.Co Now Available as a Chrome Extension (Hourigan) All Classes
Paper. Co has partnered with BPS to provide unlimited access to trained tutors so every student can ask questions, work through problems, and grow their confidence. We have been invited to participate in the beta rollout of their new Chrome extension. You can find more information as well as the browser extension at the link below.
Tuesday, May 24, 2022 Day 5
Mental Health Panel and Discussion (Levesque) All Classes
In observation of Mental Health Awareness month, Student Council and Dr. Prosper, BLS Clinical Coordinator, will host three panelists – a current BLS student and two alumni – to lead a discussion about mental health. The program will occur Wednesday, May 25 during W-Block in the Black Box Theater. All students are welcome. Please sign up using this LINK by Tuesday 5/24, 8:00 pm.
Attention: Harvard Ushers Lewis-da Ponte (SLD; LW) Class II
Ushers are reminded to inform their Day 4, R5 – R7 teachers that they are going over to Harvard College Monday, May 23rd for commencement exercises rehearsal. You must meet Ms. Lewis-da Ponte in the foyer at 12:00, with your signed permission slips. Students who normally have 3rd Lunch should eat during 2nd. Please contact Ms. Lewis-da Ponte ( with questions/concerns BEFORE Monday, the 23rd.
BLSJCL Coin Wars! (Moguel) All Classes
Would you like to see your Classics teacher pied/egged in the face, doused in water, or sprayed with silly string? Then donate to BLSJCL Coin Wars until Wednesday, May 25th! This fundraiser supports BLSJCL students attending the National JCL convention, which has become more expensive than in previous years. Donate by putting money in a coin jar located in any Classics teacher’s room. The teachers that have the most money in their jars by next Wednesday will spin a wheel that decides their fate! More specifics on that later. EAMUS!
Monday, May 23, 2022 Day 4
Leadership & Service Awards – Nominations Open (Levesque) All Classes
Nominations are being accepted for students and student organizations who have demonstrated excellence in leadership and service this past academic year. Self-nomination is permitted. Award categories include Rising Student Leader, Random Act of Leadership, Service to Community, Student Organization of the Year, and more.
Email Mr. Levesque with questions ( The submission deadline is Monday, May 23, 6:00 pm. Click HERE to review all award categories and to nominate.
FREE Summer History Courses (Kennelly) Class V, IV, III, II, I
BLS History Department partner Gilder-Lehrman is again offering free virtual courses in U.S. history. More information can be found here.
BLS! Join us for YouthCAN’s 16th Annual Summit on Climate Change and Sustainability on Saturday, May 21, 2022, in the Stata Center at MIT – 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
This is a free event, open to all middle and high school students. It will include breakfast and lunch, musical performances, a keynote speaker, workshops, exhibitors, free raffles and prizes, and art activities. Our theme will highlight the intersectionality of climate crisis issues and solutions.
All BLS attendees will get 10 community service hours. This is a great event! Register online at the QR code in the linked flyer to ensure getting the workshop you want
Friday, May 20, 2022 Day 3
Esplanade 5K Saturday. Free entry thanks to BLS alum (Kennelly) All Classes
Join over 1,000 runners of all ages and abilities for the annual Esplanade 5K. BLS alum Avi Nguyen has made 10 entries available for free for BLS community members. Contact Avi with any questions at
“Use the promo code wolfpack22 when registering.”
BLS TV Lives (Kearns) All Classes
Get the BTS look at A.S.I.A. Night you’ve been hoping for. That’s “Behind The Scenes” not, you know, BTS, but I heard Jungkook has a mullet again, so that’s something. The link is live Wednesday at 8:00 AM.
Racial Justice and Liberation Work Opportunity for Rising Juniors and Seniors (Freeman) Class III, II
Interested in dismantling structural racism? Diving into a personal exploration of racial identity? Being explicit with racism and naming things as they are? Learning how various levels of racism intersect with other forms of oppression? The legendary Racial Reconciliation and Healing Project of Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center is recruiting members for next year’s cohort. Gain the tools to understand intersectionality, how the history of racism and white supremacy has shaped current policies and practices in the US, and how to understand your role in dismantling it all.
Boston Latin students have been participating in this program since its inception and have been among the leaders in the school in advancing a strong understanding of racism and white supremacy’s role in this country. For a look at this program, please see this documentary or take a look at this article on the program from the Boston Foundation.
The program meets weekly in Jamaica Plain at 640 Centre Street in JP on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 and students receive a monthly stipend of approximately $200 for full participation.
There will be an info session led by the program’s co-directors, Abigail Ortiz and Dennie Butler-MacKay, on Thursday, May 19 at 2:30 in room 307. Two of the current participants, Lukas Hofmann ‘22 and Gabi Vasquez-Rosado 22, will also speak. Please stop by if you’ll be a junior or senior next year and learn more about this phenomenal opportunity.
Documentary link:
Article from the Boston Foundation
Senior Spotlights in the Argo Graduation Issue! (Moon) Class I
The Argo’s Graduation Issue traditionally features spotlights that seniors write for each other! All seniors are invited to write a spotlight (approximately 2.5k characters) for their friends, and co-writing is allowed. Feel free to read the attached spotlight from last year for reference.
Please email your spotlights to with your full name and the full name of the senior you are writing about by May 29 at 10 PM. Please send any other questions or concerns you have to as well.
Monthly Gathering for Steppingstone Scholars on After School on Friday, May 20 (Pierce) Class VI, V, IV, III
All Class VI- I students who have graduated from the Steppingstone Foundation are invited to Steppingstone’s monthly gathering hosted by your Steppingstone Representative, Carly Ramos (Class II). In this gathering, we will have a fun and engaging discussion about current events. This is a great opportunity for grade 9-12 Steppingstone Scholars to reconnect and learn more about each other, the world, and more! The gathering will take place on Friday, May 20th in Room 307 and starts promptly at 2:45 p.m. If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the email I look forward to seeing you all!
Learn and Earn Summer Program – take college classes and get paid! (Segal) Class III, II
Learn and Earn program for Summer 2022! This is a 6 or 8-week program (depending on which course students select!) where students can enroll in a college class at BFIT and receive a weekly stipend from our office! There is a 12-15 hour per week time commitment, with a schedule of activities including campus tours. Students will work with a cohort that will include dedicated academic mentors to support their success.
Learn more and apply today – deadline is May 31st. The opportunity is open to all rising Juniors and Seniors
Final Exam Schedule, 2022-2023 (Skerritt) All Classes
Final exams are scheduled by the department. This year, these exams are scheduled as follows:
- Wednesday, June 15: Math and History
- Thursday, June 16: Science and Modern Language Friday
- June 17: ELA and Classics
Exams will be administered between R2-R3 and then, from R6-R-7 on these days; teachers will provide students with details about individual exams and expectations. Please note that final exams are not worth more than 20% of the term 4 grade
Thursday, May 19, 2022 Day 2
Wednesday, May 18, 2022 Day 1W
COVID Test Kit Distribution (Kwan) All Classes
A quick reminder to all eligible students to come to pick up your rapid test kits every Wednesday by the Alma Mater statue from 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Grade 10 Math MCAS and Chromebooks (Hourigan) Class III
All 10th graders must bring their fully charged Chromebooks with them on Tuesday, May 17 and Wednesday, May 18 for Math MCAS.
Modified hours for the Keefe Library (Ellis) All Classes
The Keefe Library will be closed for MCAS testing R5, R6, & R7 on Tues. 5/17 & Wed. 5/18. We will re-open after school.
Massachusetts State Science and Engineering Fair (Bateman) All Classes
Manuela Rios Castaneda: Eyewitness Testimony
High School Poetry Grant Contest (Moran) All Classes
Calling all poets! If you love to write poetry and would like to reach a wider audience, please read this announcement from The ruth Weiss Foundation: Poetry provides what youth require: a path to the genuine, the original, the heretical, the shocking, the sensitive, the one-of-a-kind human individual. They have things to say that have never been saying before in ways that have never been seen before. The Beat poets like ruth Weiss (lower case) invaded the consciousness of a generation by speaking in voices that resonated with the young. Today there lurks a new battalion of teenagers who demand our attention. They want to take poetry in new directions to suit a new world. We should listen. The ruth Weiss Foundation is thrilled to announce that the 2022 Poetry Grant Award Submissions are now OPEN. This year the Foundation will be offering $1,000 in youth poetry prizes that seek out works of verbal and stylistic originality. For more information, visit
Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Day 6
Monday, May 16, 2022 Day 5
Last Call for NHS Applications (Finnigan) Class II, I
Just a reminder that NHS applications are due by Monday, 5/16 at 3:00 p.m. Questions? Reach out to Mr. Finnigan (; Office 169B or Room 116).
Reproductive rights events on Friday after school May 13 and Saturday May 14 (Freeman) All Classes
A rally for reproductive rights will be taking place at Copley Square on Saturday, May 14th at 2 pm. A group of BLS students, including Topol Fellows and members of the Ladies Collective and FemInSTEM, will be meeting in the lobby of the Copley Library through the Boylston Street entrance at 1:45 PM. All individuals interested in this protest are welcome to join us there. To keep in touch with us for the protest, we ask that you sign up at this link:
IMPORTANT: Sign-making for the protest on Saturday will occur after school on Friday, May 13 in the Fiction Room of the Library.
If there are any questions about the sign-making on Friday or the Saturday protest, please contact us at
Clarification (5/12) regarding the Understanding Roe v Wade event on Friday, May 13 (Freeman) Class III, II, I (Freeman)
As a reminder: the Topol Fellows, Ladies Collective, and FemInSTEM will be holding a spoken word event in the Fiction Room and Electronic Classroom in the Library on Friday, May 13th to address the historic reversal of Roe v. Wade and explore topics of reproductive justice.
To clarify, attendees for this event will be students whose teachers have been invited to bring their classes to this programming. Apologies for any confusion.
The same programming will be available for individuals to sign up if they so choose during a future W Block. More information on that will be forthcoming.
If there are any questions, please contact us at
Prize Declamation Results (Callum & Harari) All Classes
We are proud to announce the results of the Prize Declamation, which took place on Saturday, the 7th of May. Alex Chou of Class I was the overall winner of Prize Declamation for the 2021-2022 school year. Second place went to Class I Jack Trapanick. Manasvi Chilakapati of Class I and Mirabelle Berman Reinhardt of Class II tied for third place. Fourth place went to Class II Selina Tang. Ailin Sha won for best declaimer for Class III and IV. Ruth Gelaye won the best declaimer for classes V and VI. We applaud all participants who performed at Prize Declamation and all those students who declaimed in the various Public Declamations throughout the year. We look forward to next year’s performances. We encourage many students of all grade levels to come for coaching and try out for Public Declamation next year
BLS Sports Banquet – May 26, 2022 (Owens) All Classes
Save the Date: 2022 Sports Banquet
Thursday, May 26, 6:00 p.m. BTU Hall, 180 Mt. Vernon Street, Dorchester
We are excited to celebrate our student-athletes in person this year at the annual sports banquet. Please note the change in venue and earlier date. Doors will open at 6:00 p.m, and the program will begin promptly at 6:45 p.m.
Cash will not be accepted; students and families must register here: Tickets are $40 per person.
All varsity student-athletes and their families are invited. Students are reminded to dress appropriately and refrain from wearing sneakers, jeans, or hats.
Friday, May 13, 2022 Day 4
Asian Night 2022! (Luu) All Classes
Hello beautiful people! This is BLS ASIA letting you know that our annual Asian Night is on Friday, May 13th. Doors open at 5 PM and the show starts at 5:30 PM. Tickets are $6 for the show, $8 for show and dinner, and a brand new $10 premium ticket, including dinner, skipping the line, and the best seats in the house. Purchase from an A.S.I.A. officer! Check out @blsasia on Instagram to see who you can buy from, or look at the list below. Hope to see you there!
An Tran (I)
Aidan Chen (I)
Patty Huang (I)
Jasmine Lee (I)
Faria Zaman (II)
Fiona Yuan (III)
Cinly Mo (II)
Darren Seto (II)
Nha Truong (II)
Tiffany Dang (I)
Vivian Nguyen (II)
Catherine Wang (II)
Lena Thai (IV) Ava Vu (IV)
Crystal Apple Awards for Outstanding Teaching – Nominations Open (Levesque) All Classes
Student Council is accepting nominations for Crystal Apple Awards in recognition of outstanding teaching this past year. Students are encouraged to include anecdotes, stories, and specific reasons in support of their nominee (400-600 words). Award recipients from the past 5 years are not eligible – Mr. Gavin, Ms. Moon, Ms. Foley, Mr. Mikalaitis, Ms. Cojohn, Ms. Barich, Ms. Freeman, Ms. Arnold, Mr. Howard, Mr. Southwick, Ms. Levin-Adler. Ms. Myette, Ms. Moguel, Mr. Bartoloma, Mr. Pietrangelo, and Mx. Amico. Nominations are due Monday, May 16, and can be submitted through this Google Form.
BLS JCL Symposia! (Moguel) All Classes
From March 9th to 13th BLS JCL will be hosting its annual Symposia! This week will be filled with talks from Classics teachers about topics ranging from animal sacrifice to Ancient Greek. The talks are open to everyone, so come by and bring your friends!
Monday 5/9 @ 2:30- Mr. Brownell will be talking about Ancient Greek in room 031
Wednesday 5/11 @ 2:30- Mr. Kerpan on the topic of “Is Ovid a Feminist?” in room 210
Thursday 5/12 @ 2:30- Mr. Mordine on the topic of “Greek and Roman Animal Sacrifice” in room 137
Friday 5/13 @ 2:30- Mr. Howard on the topic of “ “Love & Betrayal: Catullus’s complicated relationship with his girlfriend” in room 115
We hope to see you there!
Free College Courses at Fisher College This Summer! (Luu) Class III, II
Fisher’s College 101 program is designed for rising juniors/seniors to take college-level courses at Fisher over the summer to earn college credit. The courses are completely free of charge, and this year for the first time, they will conduct a “hybrid schedule” – two classes in person on campus, and two virtually. Students who successfully complete the College 101 program will receive a $22,000 renewable scholarship to attend Fisher College after they finish high school. However, there is no obligation to attend Fisher afterward and the courses are accredited so there should be no issues transferring them over to another school as well – just a nice gateway to the college experience!
Students can apply here: or visit their College 101 portal here:
Although the deadline has passed on the website, if you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Mr. Luu or your counselor. BLS students have been granted a deadline extension to 5/15.
You can also contact Mr. Henry Maldonado at You can also contact Mr. Henry Maldonado at
Thursday, May 12, 2022 Day 3
Paid Summer Jobs at Local Colleges! 16+ (Gorrill) Class III, II, I
Harvard, Suffolk, BFIT, UMass Boston, and BC are recruiting candidates for PAID summer office jobs. They will be hiring for a myriad of departments including psychology, performing arts, law, library, IT, and more! Please fill out the form if you are interested in being considered:
2022 Summer Music Program (McKenna) All Classes
Looking for an opportunity to make music over the summer? The BPS summer music program will run Monday – Friday, July 18th – July 29th, from 9 am to 12 pm here at BLS. Please fill out this form if you are interested, or see Ms. McKenna for more information.
AP Language Exams and Chromebooks (Hourigan) Class III, II, I
If you are taking an AP Modern Language exam, you MUST use a BPS Chromebook. We have a limited supply of loaner machines, so it’s important that you bring your fully charged and updated Chromebook with you to the exam. We will provide headsets for you; AirPods and other wireless devices are not allowed. If you do not see the “ETS APCJ” app (Chinese) or “DAC App” (all other languages) in your login screen’s Apps menu, please see Mr. Hourigan ASAP.
Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Day 2W
Prom Tickets (Encarnacao/Sarkis) Class II, I
Tickets for the junior prom and senior prom are now available on your SIS homepage. Please be sure that you are purchasing the ticket for the prom that you are intending to attend. The senior prom is Thursday, June 9th. Please purchase your senior prom tickets by Wednesday, June 1st. The junior prom is Friday, June 24th. Please purchase your junior prom tickets by Tuesday, June 14th.
NHS Induction Ceremony (Finnigan) Class II, I
Save the date! After numerous COVID-related disruptions and delays, we are excited to announce that the NHS Induction Ceremony has been officially scheduled for Wednesday, 6/1. Further details will be coming via email directly to affected students in the coming weeks. We look forward to finally being able to honor our previously inducted members alongside our newest inductees and formally celebrate their tremendous accomplishments at that time.
NHS Applications (Finnigan) Class II, I
Seniors and juniors who meet the minimum GPA requirement (3.2 and 3.6, respectively) have been invited to apply for induction into the National Honor Society. Please note that GPAs for NHS purposes are calculated from previous years, beginning with 9th grade, and do not factor in the current academic year. All necessary information has been emailed directly to the students to whom this applies. The deadline to submit applications is Monday, 5/16/22 at 3 PM. Questions? Email Mr. Finnigan ( or drop by Office 169B (across the hall from room 135) before school.
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Day 1
*****MISSING*****4 Wooden Keys to a BASS XYLOPHONE (Grammer) All Classes
Please be on the lookout for 4 missing Wooden Bass Xylophone Keys (lettered E, F, G, A) ranging approx. 9-12 inches. These are missing from the Fundamentals of Music Room (421). We need them for our Students (also, this Instrument is VERY expensive). Thanks!
Harvard Commencements 2022 – Yes, There Will Be Two!- Lewis-da Ponte (SLD/LW) Class II
I am seeking 100 Members of the Junior Class to serve as ushers at Harvard College’s Commencement Exercises on Thursday, May 26th and/or Sunday, May 29th. Students may volunteer for one or both of the ceremonies. Volunteers may not have any major disciplinary infractions on record and must have no grade lower than a C- in any class, this term. Please email Ms. Lewis-da Ponte ( no later than Wednesday, May 11, 2022, and indicate WHICH DATE(S) you’d like to serve. All will receive community service hours.
Monday, May 9, 2022 Day 6
Prom Raffles for Senior and Junior Prom (Encarnacao & Sarkis) Class I, II
Attention all Juniors and Seniors! Are you planning to attend the prom for your class? If so, enter to win a ticket to your prom. Raffle tickets are $5.00. We will pick the winner on Friday May 13th. Please see Ms. Encarnacao in Guidance room 107 or Ms. Sarkis in room 208.
Friday, May 6, 2022 Day 5
Prize Declamation – Saturday, May 7th (Callum & Harari) All Classes
Prize Declamation will take place on the morning of Saturday, May 7 for alumni only. We congratulate the invited students who qualified for participation in the time-honored event. Best of luck this weekend!
Last Call for Senior Portraits! (Craven) Class I
Please book your appointments with Chestnut Hill Studios to have your senior picture taken for the yearbook. Please call the studio (508-336-4777) Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m to schedule a convenient time to be photographed on location at Boston Latin School between the hours of 2:00 -8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. As a reminder, students must be photographed by Chestnut Hill Studios to have their senior picture AND their senior profile in the yearbook to ensure quality and consistency. Please book your appointments soon; this is your last opportunity to be photographed for the yearbook. We are hoping to have every member of the Class of 2022, a class of many “firsts” included in the Senior Portrait section.
Thursday, May 5, 2022 Day 4
Poster Making With BLS LAB (Jacobson-Peregrino) All Classes
Join BLS LAB (learning about biochem) for a science poster making event on Wednesday May 4th in room 329 at 2:30pm. 1 hour of community service will be given to all who attend and create at least one poster. These posters (digital or handwritten) will be hung in the hallways as a way to promote science and inspire people throughout the building. All students are welcome!
Class VI Modern Language Choice on SIS for next year (Kelley) Class VI
If you have noticed a Modern Language listed on your SIS, please do not pay attention to what it says. Mr. Lane is working on the schedules, and nothing is ready yet. The schedules for next year will not be finalized until right before school starts next September, so what you see on SIS will not be accurate until then. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Kelley at or stop by her office, room 256 across from 219.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022 Day 3W
Decision Day Celebration Continues on Tuesday May 3 (Frank Reichman) Class I
The decision day celebration will continue into Tuesday May 3 for students who were absent on Monday May 2. Class I students are welcome to stop by the guidance office at any time on Tuesday May 3 to celebrate their decisions and pick up their stars. Feel free to contact Ms. Frank for more details.
Last Call for Senior Profiles! (Craven) Class I
Attention seniors…last call! If you would like your senior profile printed in the yearbook, please complete your senior profile during W Block this week if you haven’t done so already. The google form can be found in both Google Classroom and in an email that Christina sent out. Contact Ziqi (, Ryan (, or Christina ( if you have any questions!
Tuesday, May 3, 2022 – Day 2
Harvard Certamen Results (Howard) All Classes
Congrats to the BLS students who competed at the 2022 Harvard Certamen Tournament last weekend! There were over 60 teams competing from across the nation competing in their first in-person event in two years, and we’re very proud of your performance!
Novice (3rd place): Joseph Hemr, Mila Matteson, Emmy Zamora, Cynthia Francis, Thomas McMahon
Intermediate (1st place): Maya Koreth, Andrew Lai, Ailin Sha, Mark Snekvik, Hannah Stoll
Advanced (3rd place): Biya Brook, Alex Xu, Louisa Hemr, Kyler Hoogendoorn-Ecker
Boston Architectural College (BAC) (Bateman) Class IV, III, II, I
The Boston Architectural College (BAC) will host a summer academy for students interested in architecture, planning, & design. The academy will run in July and in person. Please refer to the link below for more information:
BAC has indicated that they will pay half the tuition ($1,600) for participating students; the Boston Planning & Development Agency will pay the rest making this experience FREE FOR BPS STUDENTS.