BLS Neighborhood Multicultural Dessert Meet-Ups on Thursday, Oct. 28 (Pierce) All Classes

Families for Equity and Diversity (FEQD) warmly invites all BLS families to one (or more!) Neighborhood Multicultural Dessert Meet-Ups on Thursday, October 28 for an in-person, informal neighborhood gathering. Bring a dessert to share, or just come by to join the good cheer in these neighborhoods:

* Roxbury: Nubian Square Branch BPL, 149 Dudley: 4:00pm-6:00pm

* Hyde Park: Francis Martini Memorial Hatch Shell, 1015 Truman Highway: 5:00-6:30 p.m.

* Jamaica Plain: Boathouse, 507 Jamaica Way: 5:30 pm-7:00pm

* East Boston: EB Library, 365 Bremen St.: 6:30-7:30 p.m.

**DESSERTS: If you plan to bring a dessert please bring one that is easy to share. You can bring one that is inspired by a certain culture or country, one you love to make, buy or just eat!

If you have questions, please email: Virginia Berman