Monthly Archives: January 2021
HOBY Info Session & Lunch (Encarnacao) Class III
Interested in HOBY, but want to learn more about it? Please join the Boston Latin School 2020 HOBY student ambassador for a lunch discussion on what her experience was last year. Please reach out to Ms. Encarnacao for the zoom link (aencarnacao@bostonpublicschools.org)
Sixies–Still have questions about your Modern Language choice? (Kelley) Class VI
Are you still not sure which modern language is right for you? Come to a Zoom after school on MONDAY, February 1 at 2:15 to talk to Mrs. Kelley with any questions you may have. Don’t forget to check out the resources and videos on bls.org under the “Modern Languages” tab that might help you with your decision. Google forms must be submitted by FRIDAY, February 5!
Can You Guess Who the Cutest Baby Is in the Class of 2021? (Craven) Class I
Liber Actorum 2021 needs your help now! Please click the link to find out how to submit your senior profile, your baby picture, candid pictures with teachers, and pictures you have taken through the years to the yearbook. Don’t be left out!
Kuchen Cook-Off (Teachers and all staff) Kuchta All Classes
Do you like cake? Do you like to bake? The German Club is hosting its fifth annual Kuchen Cook-off… virtually! All are invited to participate! It’s time to de-stress after Term 2 and have some fun with family and friends! If you’re up for the challenge, post a picture of your cake along with the recipe on this padlet [padlet.com/
Human Rights Day, Monday, February 8 -updated (Freeman) All Classes
This year’s Human Rights Day, organized by the Topol Fellows in Peace and Nonviolence, will take place on Monday, February 8. Students who purchased Human Rights Day face masks will be presenting relevant statistics followed by faculty-student pairings to address key issues related to human rights. PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who bought a mask should fill out the form (forms.gle/mHio9yyaMEn8htcA6)
R1: Ms. Heather Nabbefeld with with Michelle Garzon-Osorio ‘21 and Sylvia Posever ‘21, “The Water and Land is Our Body”
R2: Guest speaker Dr. Thea James, with Urvi Gipstein ‘21 and Paterson Tran ‘21, “COVID, race, and housing. How did we get here?”
R3: Mx. Dana Amico with Olivia Ardito ‘21 and Quinn Gabrielle Cantor ‘21, “Pride Protests: LGBTQIA+ Voices Past And Present”
R4: Mr. Steven Chen, with Ashley Tran ‘21 and Thomas Tran ‘21, “Anti-Asian Discrimination: Its Present and Past”
R5: Mr. Daniel Gavin, with Owen Anastas ‘21 and Alexander Young ‘21, “Hate Groups in the United States”
R6: Ms. Rose Delorme-Metayer, with Rick Li ‘21 and Ruth Shiferaw ‘21, “#BLM: The Modern Equality Movement”
R7: Ms. Kristen George, with Sophia Bartlett ‘21 and Taylor Murray ‘21, “The Art of Protest” Please encourage your teachers to bring you. And if you have a study hall during a particular period and would like to attend, please contact the Topol Fellows at topolfellowsbls@gmail.com
Friday, January 29, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
Deitch Fellowship & Ward Fellowship Applications (Levesque) Class III, II, I
Deitch Summer Fellowship is a unique opportunity for students to intern at a prominent Boston area organization. Applications are available at deitchleadership.org/fellowship, and deadline is Friday, January 29. Seniors, juniors, and sophomores are eligible. The John William Ward Public Service Fellowship is a wonderful opportunity for students to intern in government and public service.
Applications are available at wardfellowship.org, and deadline is Monday, February 1. Juniors and seniors are eligible. Contact Mr. Levesque regarding Deitch (jlevesque@bostonpublicschools.org) and Ms. Gorrill regarding Ward (lgorrill@bostonpublicschools.org).
BLS National Honor Society (LeDang-Collins) Class I
NHS members will be meeting this Friday (Jan 29) during Flex (10:40-11:35). This is a mandatory meeting for all current members. Email Mr. Finnigan (pfinnigan2@bostonpublicschools.org) and Ms. LeDang-Collins (tledang@bostonpublicschools.org) if you have a conflict. Check your email for the Zoom link.
Mental Health Workshop (Wong) All Classes
BLS ASIA would like to invite everybody to our Mental Health Workshop on January 29th at 7:00 PM! The workshop will be discussion-based and interactive, focused on fostering an open conversation about mental health in the AAPI community. All are welcome. Please join us on Friday. mit.zoom.us/j/99989719835#success
Senior Capstone project on poetry seeks your help! (Freeman) All Classes
Calling all BLS Students! Love poetry? Hate poetry? Want to help a Senior Capstone student, Isabelle Goodrich ’21, with their project? Fill out this short google form to let me know your opinions.
Here is the form link: if you want to take a look at the questions, that would be great! forms.gle/HsoBsB9mbyehExop7
Poetry Out Loud Winners (Moran) All Classes
It is with great pleasure that we announce the results of this year’s Poetry Out Loud competition at Boston Latin School. Our first place winner will advance to the Regional Finals, sponsored by the Huntington Theater Company. Heartfelt thanks to our English Department judges: Mx. Amico, Ms. Barich, and Mr. Sanford.
Our winners are: First place: Ruth Shiferaw, Class I Second place (tie): Elizabeth Choi, Class III; and Jack Trapanick, Class II Third place: Graciela Berman Reinhardt, Class I Warmest congratulations to all participants for making the work of our judges so challenging! We honor you for your fine accomplishment, in the spirited example of our nation’s first Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman. Poetry will continue to thrive thanks to young people like our POL participants!
Sixies–Advice from BLS Language Clubs about how to choose your language! (Kelley) Class VI
Attention Sixies! The BLS Language clubs have put together videos discussing why they chose to study their language for four years at BLS. If you are trying to make a decision, check out what they have to say on bls.org –>Modern Languages–>Video & Audio tab. Don’t forget–forms are due back by Friday, Feb. 5. Contact Mrs. Kelley at ckelley2@bostonpublicschools.org with questions.
Sign Up Your Club for 2/5 Friday Flex Block of Service (Pierce) All Classes
During Friday 5th Flex Block, student-led clubs and organizations will hold meetings focused on the value of service to our community (students can earn community service hours for these sessions). This will be similar to the Day of Service we held in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on 01/20. If your club is interested in being part of offering opportunities for students to volunteer, please fill out this form: forms.gle/pri2H66sjZVWYn7x5.
This form must be completed by 1/29 at 2:00 PM. Clubs will be notified by 2/1/21. If you have questions, please email Karen Mai at kmai4@bostonk12.org
Come see BLS Theatre Company’s Pipeline by Dominique Morisseau (Gels) All Classes
A mother’s hopes for her son clash with an educational system rigged against him in PIPELINE, the riveting new play by Dominique Morisseau. Performances Thursday January 28 at 7pm Friday January 29 at 3pm and 7pm Saturday January 29 at 7pm.
This performance will take place over zoom and tickets are pay what you can at bostonlatin.ticketleap.com/blspipeline
Lift Ev’ry Voice from MLK Day (McKenna) All Classes
Enjoy the performance of “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing”, led by students in BLS Virtuosi. This was performed and recorded during the MLK Day of Celebration.
Sixies–Modern Language Forms!! (Kelley) Class VI
A Google form indicating your modern language choice for the next four years must be submitted by Friday, Feb. 5!!
The form was emailed to all sixies on Jan. 15. Additional information to help you make your choice can be found on bls.org under the “Modern Languages Tab”, and you can email Mrs. Kelley, Program Director, at ckelley2@bostonpublicschools.org with questions. Link to the form is here as well–please take some time and make your choice of your top 2 languages carefully!
SENIORS–Seal of Biltieracy Portfolio option for additional languages (Kelley) Class I
Thank you to everyone who filled out the Seal of Biliteracy form last week! If you have proficiency in a language that was NOT listed for testing, we can also help you put together a portfolio of work to prove that you are able to earn the Seal as well. If you are interested in this option for languages that were not included in the original list for computer-based testing, please fill out the Google form by Friday, January 29.
This option is only available for languages that do not have a computer-based test. More details to come on both testing and portfolios. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Kelley at ckelley2@bostonpublicschools.org.
Thursday, January 28, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
Babson Entrepreneurship Class (Levesque) Class III, II, I
Deitch Leadership Institute will launch the Babson Entrepreneurship class the week of February 1. Classes will meet weekly after school (2:30-4:00) from February until May, taught by Mr. Levesque using Babson College curriculum. Students will learn what it means to be an entrepreneur – opportunity identification, idea generation, prototyping, marketing, etc. – while addressing a problem or need in their community.
Complete this form (forms.gle/s6R663RAiQqdEkf5A) to indicate your schedule availability (no obligations). An info session will occur this Thursday, Jan 28 at 2:30pm to answer questions. Email Mr. Levesque for the link (jlevesque@bostonpublicschools.org).
Friday Flex 1/29: Songwriting Workshop with local songwriter and singer Antje Duvekot (Floerke) All Classes
“Lift Your Voice” through metaphors and imagery based on the theme: WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND? WHAT LIFTS YOUR SPIRITS AND WHAT WEIGHS THEM DOWN?
Your thoughts presented through metaphors & imageries, will be all wrapped up in an original song, crafted by you with the help of the local, German-American, singer and songwriter Antje Duvekot. *Hit songs are among others: Long Way & Merry Go Round* What will this workshop look like? Antje Duvekot will ask BLS students to contribute suggestions for a group song. She will synthesize the suggestions of metaphors and imageries based on the theme into a song. At the end of the period, she will play the song you have created with her. Following the workshop she will make a recording and share it with the participants by emailing it to Frau Floerke.
WHEN: FRIDAY FLEX BLOCK 1/29 2021 at 10:40 am- 11:35 am Zoom Link: k12-bostonpublicschools.zoom.us/j/87894421274 Meeting ID: 878 9442 1274
Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
Human Rights Day: Monday, February 8 (Freeman) All Classes
This year’s Human Rights Day, organized by the Topol Fellows in Peace and Nonviolence, will take place on Monday, February 8. Students who purchased Human Rights Day face masks will be presenting relevant statistics followed by faculty-student pairings to address key issues related to human rights.
R1: Ms. Heather Nabbefeld with with Michelle Garzon-Osorio ‘21 and Sylvia Posever ‘21, “The Water and Land is Our Body”
R2: Guest speaker Dr. Thea James, with Urvi Gipstein ‘21 and Paterson Tran ‘21, “COVID, race, and housing. How did we get here?”
R3: Mx. Dana Amico with Olivia Ardito ‘21 and Quinn Gabrielle Cantor ‘21, “Pride Protests: LGBTQIA+ Voices Past And Present”
R4: Mr. Steven Chen, with Ashley Tran ‘21 and Thomas Tran ‘21, “Anti-Asian Discrimination: Its Present and Past”
R5: Mr. Daniel Gavin, with Owen Anastas ‘21 and Alexander Young ‘21, “Hate Groups in the United States”
R6: Ms. Rose Delorme-Metayer, with Rick Li ‘21 and Ruth Shiferaw ‘21, “#BLM: The Modern Equality Movement”
R7: Ms. Kristen George, with Sophia Bartlett ‘21 and Taylor Murray ‘21, “The Art of Protest”
Please encourage your teachers to bring you. And if you have a study hall during a particular period and would like to attend, please contact the Topol Fellows at topolfellowsbls@gmail.com
Community Service and InnerView (Kennelly) All Classses
To clarify BLS Community Service and InnerView use. Students in Classes I-V can receive credit for their community service. Only students in Classes I-IV can have InnerView accounts. This is because InnerView is only approved for use by high school students in grades 9-12. This is InnerView policy. Students in grade 8 should keep track of their community service and enter it in InnerView when they create an account in grade 9. Students in grade 7 are welcome to volunteer in their community, but will not receive credit towards their graduation requirement.
Community Service Spotlight (Kennelly) All Classes
Read all the latest BLS community service news in the Community Service Spotlight
Second Public Declamation- Submissions Due 1/27 (Callum/Harari) All Classes
Calling for all students (Class I-VI) to send their submissions for Second Public Declamation by Wednesday, Jan. 27th. Students may declaim a passage or abridged version of a poem, speech, book or play. The duration of the text may not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds. If interested, complete the Google form providing your contact information, along with the exact text you plan to perform. Tryouts will be held via Zoom during Friday Flex on January 29th.
Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
Human Rights Day Masks are now available for order but must be ordered by Sunday, Jan 24 (Freeman) All Classes
In lieu of the bright orange T-shirts traditionally sold and worn for the school’s annual Human Rights Day organized by the BLS Topol Fellows in Peace and Non-Violence, this year we are selling face masks! Everyone who purchases a mask will be given a human rights-related statistical fact to read for Human Rights Day (taking place on February 8, 2021). The mask was designed by Eryn Hershenson, Class II, winner of our mask design contest. Congratulations, Eryn!
A single mask is $10 plus shipping; It’s cheaper ($8) if you buy four or more, so group up with your friends and buy them together!
To order a mask: please order through this link www.redbubble.com/i/mask/BLS-Human-Rights-Day-Fill-Out-the-Google-Form-by-TopolFellowsBLS/68320916.9G0D8 by SUNDAY JANUARY 24th at the latest in order to receive it via regular shipping by Human Rights Day on Monday, February 8th. Please make certain that you fill out the google form–linked in the item description when you order the mask–so that you receive the statistical fact.
You MUST do this quickly if you want to participate in this memorable and moving aspect of Human Rights Day! If you have any questions, please contact the Topol Fellows at topolfellowsbls@gmail.com Thank you!
SAT Prep Course at BPL (Ellis) Class II, I
SAT Prep program will run on consecutive Thursdays at 4:30pm starting February 4. Teens in high school and students who graduated in 2020 can register at: bit.ly/38E5uLA Here is a flyer for more information. Teens who register are eligible to receive a free copy of an SAT Prep book. The program is limited to 30 participants.
Monday, January 25, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
Friday, January 22, 2021 Special Schedule Week One
BLS Hosts Red Sox CEO – All Welcome (Levesque) All Classes
BLS Distinguished Speaker Series is proud to host the President and CEO of the Boston Red Sox, Sam Kennedy, THIS Friday (1/22) during Flex Block (10:35am). Mr. Kennedy was born and raised in Brookline, MA and has been with the Red Sox through 4 world championships. As Red Sox CEO, he operates one of the strongest sports brands in the world, valued at $3.3 billion.
All students are welcome. Register for the Zoom link at forms.gle/a5rPoj5XNnRgxEfu5
Track and Field Updates (Pietrangelo) All Classes
BLS Track and Field is hosting an informational session on Thursday, Jan 21st at 2:15. We will discuss possible logistics for the indoor and outdoor seasons and answer questions you may have. We look forward to seeing and connecting with our current and prospective athletes and their families. Email Mr. Pietrangelo (ppietrangelo@bostonpublicschools.org) for the Zoom link.
Pathways to Science and Engineering PSE (Bateman) All Classes
Pathways to Science and Engineering (PSE) is an after school program geared towards high school students interested in STEM. Week 1: Jan 26 (Pathway to Energy Systems & Exploring Solar Energy by Teniola Odumakinde) Students will be exploring diverse career pathways through research presentations. Graduate students and faculty members from Northeastern University will be presenting their ongoing research to participants, and participants will have time to ask questions about the presenter’s research and their field of study. Students will be meeting remotely via Zoom every Tuesday from 4:00-5:00 pm for 8 weeks, starting Tuesday, January 26th, 2021.
If you are interested in participating in this program as an attendee, sign up here (any time): www.surveymonkey.com/r/PSE-INTEREST
The Summer STEM Institute SSI (Bateman) Class IV, III, II, I
The Summer STEM Institute (SSI) is a six-week virtual summer program for high school students. The program was started last summer by educators, students, and graduates from Stanford, Harvard, and MIT. Last year, SSI received over 2,450 applications from students in 78 different countries. Applications for SSI 2021 have just opened!
The program consists of three main parts: Research and data science bootcamp: Students learn how to design and conduct data science research projects. Students learn about the research process and how to apply statistical and machine learning methods to address scientific questions with real-world impact. Masterclass lecture series: Students are connected to accomplished young adults around the world. Students have the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship from Forbes 30 Under 30 recipients, science research from International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) grand prize winners, and other topics from speakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Mentored research project: Students complete a research project through a rigorous, hands-on learning experience under the guidance of mentors. Previously, students have worked in a variety of fields, from computational biology to quantum physics.
Students and families can learn more about SSI and apply on our website here: www.summersteminstitute.org/.
Green Cleaning (Wong) All Classes
Wolfpack Volunteers & Recycling Committee: Green Cleaning (ongoing event) Are you an avid climate enthusiast or in need of community service hours? If so, Wolfpack Volunteers and Recycling Club’s joint Green Cleaning service project is perfect for you! Students have the option of either: 1) collecting recycling or picking up trash in their neighborhoods (taking before/after pictures as proof) and then writing up short statements about their experiences (what they thought or observed) OR 2) reaching out to environmental non-profit organizations to spread some love and cheer during this time! For the former opportunity, students will receive one hour per submission, and for the latter, students will receive 0.5 hours per letter.
These should be emailed to either or blsrecyclingcommittee@gmail.com or wolfpackvolunteersbls@gmail.com. Please read through detailed guidelines at docs.google.com/document/d/1g5n8-gvfvFgCnn_OuZKcronBOpS5AIhH1g7hn0XMAKI/edit for more information on volunteer hours and submission requirements to get started. Happy greening!
Pediatric Community Advocacy Program PCAP (Bateman) Class IV, III, II, I
The Pediatric Community Advocacy Program (PCAP) is a virtual outreach program for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) high school students in Boston. It was created to build interest in the field of pediatrics, develop advocacy skills and empower youth to tackle current child health issues in their communities. The main objective is to expose high school students to different avenues of advocacy, as a physician, community representative, entrepreneur, and more. At the start of the program, students will be challenged to collaborate on a solution to a real-time, pediatric health challenge in the Boston area. Students will work in groups, alongside medical student mentors from Harvard Medical School and physician mentors from Boston Children’s Hospital and Boston Medical Center, to propose a unique solution to this challenge. PCAP will consist of four weekend sessions from February – March, with three workshop sessions, and one final session for student presentations. The workshop sessions will be centered around themes of (1.) Public Health Education (2.) Legislative/ Public Policy and (3.) Innovation & Entrepreneurship and will be led by experts in these fields. Following the workshop, student teams will meet independently and with their mentors to work on their projects, and will be encouraged to incorporate principles from the workshops to aid in developing their solutions and presentations. The final activity is a “Pediatric Advocacy Summit” in which the teams will present their advocacy solution and a winner will be selected based on content, creativity, presentation, and feasibility of the proposal.
Program dates: Saturdays of Feb 27 – March 27, 2021 from 8:45 AM – 12 PM(We will not meet on March 20, 2021)Session 1: Feb 27thSession 2: March 6thSession 3: March 13thFinal
Presentations: March 27th Application Due Date: Wednesday January 27th, 2021 at 10 PM
Please contact Ms. Bateman for more information – kbateman@bostonpublicschools.org
Thursday, January 21, 2021 Special Schedule Week One
Wednesday, January 20, 2021 Special Schedule Week One
Junior Achievement January Career Speaker Webinar (Levesque) All Classes
Junior Achievement will host Marisela Marrero M.D., President of Good Samaritan Medical Center in Brockton, on January 21 (3-4pm). Dr. Marrero will speak about her path to her current role and what it has been like to lead an organization on the front lines of COVID-19. Dr. Marrero is a Harvard-trained Emergency Room physician with interest in developing top-tier public healthcare knowledge within the Latino community and broadening the use of proper healthcare among Hispanic people.
Register at bit.ly/JAcareerspeaker
Scholarship Opportunity for High School Senior Girls (Levesque) Class I
Applications are being accepted through February 1, 202 for the KPMG 2021 Future Leaders Program. Twenty-two female high school seniors will receive a $10,000 college scholarship/year for 4 years, attend a leadership retreat, and be paired with a year-long mentor. Contact Kris Ponciroli at kponciroli@ja.org with questions.
To learn more and apply, visit womensleadership.kpmg.us/charitable.html
Teen JUST-US Boston Summer Internship (Levesque) Class III, II
Applications are now available for the Teen JUST-US Boston summer social justice program. Join other Jewish rising 11th and 12th graders for a paid, six-week, summer immersive, social justice experience. Interns will work three days per week with a mentor at a local organization on a pre-planned social justice/service project, and two days a week as a cohort engaged in hands-on social justice/service activities and leadership development. Application is available at www.teenjust-us.org. Deadline is February 1.
Save the Date for the Virtual Winter Arts Showcase Part 2!(McKenna) All Classes
The beat goes on in the Visual and Performing Arts Department through remote learning! You are invited to join the fun on Friday, January 22nd at 6:30pm for the virtual showcase featuring young musicians, performers, and visual artists. RSVP link found here (link to www.bls.org/winter_arts_showcase). If you RSVP’d to Part 1, no need to fill out again, you will automatically be emailed the performance link.
Monday, January 18, 2021 Special Schedule Week One
Business Club Speaker- Helen Zhao; BLS Alumna, Tiktok Consultant (Yang) All Classes
Inspiring creativity and bringing joy through short-form mobile video is Helen Zhao. A BLS and Harvard alumna, Zhao has extensive experience as a business consultant at renowned companies including Tiktok, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
She will be discussing her transition from high school to college and the business world. Join us on January 21st @2:30 to learn about her impressive journey. Complete google form below to register.
SENIORS–Seal of Bilteracy Information and how to sign up (Kelley) Class I
Seniors! Check your BPS email for important information about the Seal of Biliteracy and how to sign up for testing in March to earn the Seal. Deadline to sign up is this Friday by the end of the day. Contact Mrs. Kelley, Program Director for Modern Languages, at ckelley2@bostonpublicschools.org with questions or if you did not get the email sent out on Tuesday evening. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show off your ability to communicate in multiple languages!
Yearbook Staff Application (Craven) Class I
If you are interested in documenting memories of the time you spent at Boston Latin School, join the yearbook staff today! Please fill out the Google Form Application by January 15, 2021.
Friday, January 15, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
Profiles in Courage Essay Competition (Kennelly) Class IV, III, II, I
Friday January 15th is the final deadline for submissions to the JFK Library Profiles in Courage essay competition. Click Here for more information about the competition and essay submissions.
Ward & Deitch Summer Fellowships (Levesque) Class III, II I
Applications are now available for the John William Ward Public Service Fellowship and the Deitch Leadership Institute Fellowship. Applications can be accessed at these websites: wardfellowship.org and deitchleadership.org/fellowship. The Ward fellowship is open to juniors and seniors, and the Deitch fellowship is open to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. A joint information session about both fellowships will occur on Friday, January 15 during Flex Block. Email Ms. Gorrill (lgorrill@bostonpublicschools.org) or Mr. Levesque (jlevesque@bostonpublicschools.org) for the Zoom link. Attendance at the info session is optional.
Paid opportunity for taking a survey if you qualify (Segal) Class IV, III, II, I
Some high school students in East Boston are working as an Advisory Board with a student at Tufts on a research project. They are recruiting high school students to participate in an hour long paid ($25 visa gift card) interview over Zoom (in English or in Spanish) about the changes students have seen in the East Boston neighborhood. You may be eligible if: You are a previous resident of East Boston You attended a Boston Public School while living in East Boston If you are interested in being interviewed please review the attached flyer and contact Danielle at 305-857-5738 or to Danielle.Mulligan@Tufts.edu.
Annual Spelling Bee (Moran) Class VI, V
Students in Class V and VI: What’s the buzz? It’s time to start preparing for the annual Scripps Spelling Bee, BLS division! Our bee will be held on Thursday, February 25 at 2:30 p.m. via Zoom. Details on registration and Zoom access will follow, but to get started, here is the list of words to study: spellingbee.com/sites/default/files/inline-files/450-2021_SLSL_Words.pdf. Questions? Please email Ms. Moran at smoran@bostonpublicschools.org. Let’s continue our proud tradition of success in this national competition!
Poetry Out Loud (Moran) Class IV, III, II, I
Calling all BLS poets and declaimers: Carry on BLS’s proud tradition of high achievement in the 2021 Poetry Out Loud competition for students in Classes I-IV. This year’s school-level contest will take place on January 22 during Friday Flex period in a special Zoom meeting. Our school winner will advance to the regional semi-finals, sponsored by the Huntington Theater, with the state champion moving on to the national competition in the spring, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. All events will be held remotely, with prizes awarded at the state and national levels. Registration is due on Friday, January 15, using this form: docs.google.com/document/d/1YAyWnQNgXA2QZNRrO0Za_TNpy6A2_O2m/edit#Questions? Email Ms. Moran at smoran@bostonpublicschools.org.
Thursday, January 14, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
Wednesday, January 13, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
MLK Day of Awareness: Invitation for Student Clubs and Organizations (due 1/13 at 5:00 pm) Murray All Classes
On Wednesday, January 20th, we will celebrate the annual MLK Day of Awareness. We look forward to a day of inspiration, education, and connection. There are two opportunities for student led clubs to participate in this day.
From 9:30-11:00 AM student led clubs and organizations will hold a series of meetings that are focused on the values of service to our community (students can earn community service hours for these sessions) and the theme of “lifting every voice.”
From 1:00-2:00 PM student clubs will host events focused around fostering social connections in our community. If your group is interested in hosting an event for this block during the MLK Day of Awareness, please complete this brief form.
This form must be completed by 1/13/21 at 5:00 PM. Clubs will be notified by 1/15/21.
Chromebook Pickup Wednesday, Jan 13, 3-5pm (Hourigan) All Classes
Students who need a BPS Chromebook can pick one up at the BLS front entrance on Wednesday, January 13 from 3-5pm. While all BPS students are eligible for a Chromebook, we would like to prioritize any student who needs a Chromebook as a primary or backup machine. There will be several more opportunities this spring to get one.
Poetry Out Loud (Moran) Class IV, III, II, I
Calling all BLS poets and declaimers: Carry on BLS’s proud tradition of high achievement in the 2021 Poetry Out Loud competition for students in Classes I-IV. This year’s school-level contest will take place on January 22 during Friday Flex period in a special Zoom meeting. Our school winner will advance to the regional semi-finals, sponsored by the Huntington Theater, with the state champion moving on to the national competition in the spring, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts. All events will be held remotely, with prizes awarded at the state and national levels. Registration is due on Friday, January 15, using this form. Questions? Email Ms. Moran at smoran@bostonpublicschools.org.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
No After-School Tutoring 01/12/2021(Delorme-Metayer) All Classes
Due to staff PD there will be no after-school tutoring on Tuesday Jan. 12, 2021. We will resume on Wednesday. Thank you!
No Tutoring Tues. 1/12 (Finnigan) All Classes
There will be no after school tutoring on Tuesday, 1/12 due to faculty professional development meetings. Tutoring will resume on Wednesday at the usual time.
Monday, January 11, 2021 Special Schedule Week Two
HSQS Tryouts (Zou) Classes I,II, III, IV
High School Quiz Show is holding preliminary tryouts for the two-time state championship team on Wednesday, January 6th at 2:00 PM. If you want to participate, join the Discord server for more info + signups. See you all there!
Friday, January 8, 2021 Special Schedule Week One
Mr. McQuade’s Holiday Songs Countdown (McQuade) All Classes
Happy New Year, everyone! Thank you to everyone who has already filled out the Holiday Season Favorite Songs survey. If you haven’t heard about it yet, here’s the deal:
If you follow the link, you will find a survey asking you to rank your Top 5 Holiday songs. I included the top 20 songs from my classes’ rankings before vacation. (Sorry if your favorite didn’t make this initial list!) Once everyone at BLS has a chance to pick their Top 5, I am going to record myself counting down the hits Ryan Seacrest-style!
I’m hoping that I can get a great response from the BLS community. I’m planning to keep the voting open until Friday 1/8/21. Thank you for helping me out with this, and I hope that you’ll enjoy this way to keep this festive season going! Please let me know if you have any questions.
Profiles in Courage Essay Contest (Kennelly) Class IV, III, II, I
The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation invites U.S. high school students to describe and analyze an act of political courage by a U.S. elected official who served during or after 1917, the year John F. Kennedy was born. Deadline January 15, 2021. More info can be found at this link
Thursday, January 7, 2021 Special Schedule Week One
Playing Sports in College Workshop – January 7 (Owens) All Classes
Please join the BLS Athletics Department and Friends of Athletics on Thursday, January 7 at 7pm via Zoom for our 5th annual “Playing Sports in College” presentation.
Topics will include eligibility and the NCAA Eligibility Center, recruitment, college search timeline, communication with college coaches, and how COVID-19 impacts collegiate athletics and the recruiting process. The panel discussion will include Brittany Bresley, Associate Director of Compliance – Boston College, and several BLS student-athletes that have played or are currently playing sports at the collegiate level.
Both students and parents are welcome! Zoom link will be sent in advance to registered attendees. Registration link is provided.