PIC Application! (Laverty) All Classes-New

The PIC application will be live in mid-February (think February vacation). In the meantime, you can prepare for the application by doing the following

1. Finding your ID

2. Double checking your summer schedule to see if you are available to work a full-time job

3. Check in with an adult to make sure your resume is good to go!

4. Take a look at our website studentjobs.bostonpic.org/ to see what organizations we have worked with in the past.

5. Stay alert by checking your emails from me regarding our PIC preview days. These are great chances to hear from prospective employers in various industries offered within the PIC.

I am more than happy to review your resume, please email it to me at erin.laverty@bostonpic.org


Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Renewable Scholarship Application (Pinchem) Class I-New

Boston Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is proud to offer a $2,500 renewable scholarship to support your academic dreams to a graduating senior.

Eligibility Requirements:

Minimum 2.75 GPA

Demonstrated commitment to community service

Scholarship applications will be open until February 23, 2025, at 11:59 PM. For questions contact bac.delta1913@gmail.com or Ms. Pinchem in Room 114.


Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Scholarship Workshop (Pinchem) Class IV, III, II, I-New

The Boston Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is hosting a Scholarship Writing Workshop designed specifically for high school students! Join us on Saturday, January 25th, 2025 from 12-2 pm at Boston University Center for Computing & Data Sciences to learn valuable tips and tricks on how to craft a winning scholarship essay.

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, this workshop will provide the tools to stand out in your scholarship applications. Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your chances of securing financial aid for your college education. Reserve your spot today!


Career Interest Group for Class III (Clougherty) Class III

The School Counseling Department plans to engage Class III students in a career interest workshop next Wednesday, January 22 during W block over Zoom. Students should remain in their homerooms to log on to this program. Please be sure that you have a charged Chromebook and headphones in W block on that day to participate.

We will get you thinking about possible career paths and resources you can take advantage of to explore these including summer employment, community service, and course selections. You will take a Career Interest Inventory on Naviance and have the results of this inventory for future exploration. We will also reintroduce you to Naviance, a resource you will use throughout the college exploration and application process. Please keep an eye out for an email that includes a Zoom link. You’ll be asked to log on after attendance is taken in homeroom on that day. We look forward to engaging you in this workshop!

Chamber Choir Needs Your Voice (Snyder) Class IV, III, II, I

We are looking for more voices to perform our Spring repertoire. You don’t need to be in a school choir, but it would help if you were in one of the BLS school ensembles. This could be your opportunity to sing outside the day when you’re already in an instrumental ensemble during the day, or it could be your first go at performing in a BLS ensemble.

Whether you’re ready to jump right in or you’d just like to check it out to see what a rehearsal is like, please reach out to Mr Snyder, Olivia Pappas, or Olivia Ryan for information at rsnyder@bostonpublicschools.org, opappas2@bostonk12.org, or oryan2@bostonk12.org

Wolfettes Auditions (Snyder) Class IV, III, II, I

Love to sing? Want to gain experience in singing a capella? Are you hoping to live your Pitch Perfect dreams? Join the Wolfettes, Boston Latin School’s girls a cappella group, for auditions on January 21, 2025, at 2:30 PM.

Location: Room 421, Music Wing.

Fill out the form below to let us know you’re coming! docs.google.com/forms/u/1/d/1NrDUnGDFsrk-1nDVQs5wiClNuRLwhyQz8Lelms54Mtk/edit?usp=forms_home&ths=true

Harvard Art Museums High School Internship Program: April and August 2025 (Luu) Class IV, III, II, I

Every year the Harvard Art Museums offer two week-long paid internships, each for a cohort of eight students at public high schools in Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville. In 2025, these internships will run from April 21-25 (April Break) and August 4-8. Students MUST be able to commit to both weeks.

The application for the 2025 High School Internship Program can be found at this link: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHs9kcdNH6YNQDw8QC3P9aW4P_XnF4MHalCLbWu8aHR6RynA/viewform

See flyer for more information: drive.google.com/file/d/1Pt7Brrl7ezv1zvYSJUuvQkZOfMeVaYFg/view?usp=sharing

Applications are due by Monday, February 24th at 5 pm EST.

Arboretum Young Scientists (Bateman) Class VI, V

Are you a rising 7th or 8th grader who enjoys spending time outside, exploring nature and science?

Arboretum Young Scientists (AYS) is a free four-week summer program in July for rising 7th and 8th grade Boston Public School students run by and held at the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain. Using the Arboretum’s landscape to guide their learning, a diverse group of 24 students participate in hands-on, place-based activities focused on environmental education and the natural sciences.

Click the link below to view full program information, and 2025 details, and to access the digital application. arboretum.harvard.edu/education/arboretum-young-scientists/

Belle of the Ball – Prom Dress Assistance (Luu) Class II, I

Belle of the Ball in partnership with Anton’s Cleaners cleans and distributes prom dresses and provides related accessories at no charge to high school juniors and seniors who would otherwise not have the opportunity to attend their school’s prom.

If you are interested in learning more, PLEASE REACH OUT TO YOUR SCHOOL COUNSELOR to inquire about this opportunity. DEADLINE: Friday, March 14th.

Early Referral Incentive: Students who are referred before February 7th have the opportunity to choose between the following time preferences: Morning, Midday, and Afternoon. Appointments are based on availability, and they are unable to consider time slot preferences after February 7th.

Here’s a video description of the program:


More information can be found here: antons.com/belle/


Future Chefs, Youth Development through Culinary (Luu) Class IV, III, II

Two different programs are below:

1) Future Chefs, a youth development organization that uses culinary as a medium to teach essential skills, is recruiting for their second session of FC Explores (primarily for 15-year-olds), an after-school enrichment program that serves both as an introduction and a continuation of their life skills and knife skills.

FC Explores:

Mondays and Wednesdays

Monday sessions will run from 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.

Wednesday sessions will run from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.

For additional information, please reference the FC Explores application: www.tfaforms.com/5152155

2) They are also recruiting for FCD Foundations, a similar program that is a paid opportunity for 16 and 17-year-olds (Sophomores and Juniors in High School). FC Delivers – Foundations is the beginner cohort of their traditional paid programming. Programming for Foundations will begin on January 27, 2025, and will run on Mondays and Tuesdays, 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Applicants must be 16 and up to be eligible, and they are accepting new applications.

The FC Delivers – Foundations can be found at www.tfaforms.com/5141788

Dave’s Hot Chicken – Senior Fundraiser (Sarkis/Encarnacao) All Classes

DO YOU LIKE DAVE’S HOT CHICKEN? PACK DAVE’S DOWNTOWN @ 4 PM THIS FRIDAY! All classes can participate to support the Senior Class this Friday (01/17) during our Dave’s Hot Chicken Fundraiser at the Boylston Dave’s Hot Chicken (123 Stuart Street, 02116). For every purchase, the senior class will receive 20% of the proceeds. You’re benefiting the senior class AND getting a good meal, how much better can it get? Tell a friend to tell a friend. Please make sure you bring the flyer in person or use the code when ordering online for us to receive your contribution


Class II: Explore Engineering at UMass Lowell (Clougherty) Class II

Interested in engineering? Join us for a field trip to the University of Massachusetts Lowell’s Francis College of Engineering on Thursday, February 6, 2025. We’ll tour the campus, learn about different engineering pathways, and enjoy lunch on campus. Please fill out this Google form no later than Thursday, January 16 to get your name on our list!


Amnesty’s Write for Rights Campaign (Bowles) All Classes

BLS Amnesty International is participating in Amnesty’s ‘Write for Rights’ campaign. You can join the campaign and earn up to two hours of community service by learning about a person whose human rights are currently under threat and writing a letter that demands justice for them. Please visit the drop box outside of room 307 to learn more and to drop off your letter. You can also read about this campaign and find letter-writing suggestions at www.amnesty.org/en/get-involved/write-for-rights/ or by joining us at our Wednesday meeting after school in room 307!

Ward & Deitch Summer Fellowships – Applications are Live (Levesque) Class III, II, I

The John William Ward Public Service Fellowship is a summer employment opportunity for current juniors or seniors to work in the office of an elected or appointed public servant in the executive, legislative, or judicial branches of Boston’s city, state, or federal government. Application is available at wardfellowship.org and is due January 30. Contact Ms. Laverty with questions (Erin.Laverty@bostonpic.org).

The Deitch Leadership Institute Summer Fellowship is a leadership opportunity in which current seniors, juniors, or sophomores work full-time at a prominent Boston organization from industries that include finance, law, marketing, education, and the nonprofit sector. Application is available at deitchleadership.org/fellowship and is due February 3. Contact Mr. Levesque with questions (jlevesque@bostonpublicschools.org).

Information sessions for both fellowships will occur on Monday, January 13 (2:30-3:30) in the Library Electronic Classroom, Wednesday,y January 15 (W-Block) in the Library Fiction Room, and Wednesday, January 22 (W-Block) in the Library Fiction Room. Attendance is optional.

Bi-weekly Interfaith Group! (Bowles) All Classes-Updated

The Topol Fellows are starting a bi-weekly Interfaith Reading and Listening Group called “Key of P(eace) Major!”

When: Every other Monday, beginning January 13th

Where: Room 307

What: Every two weeks we will be doing a mix of reading religious texts, reading about music’s role in religion or interfaith movements, listening to the music of different religions, and discussing spirituality in general. This will be a great way to get to know about new religions and their music, and your classmates’ spirituality. There will also be an opportunity to help collaborate on an interfaith prayer and song that will be shared later in the year with the whole school.

For the first meeting, we will be diving into the Dao de Jing (道德經), the main text of Daoism. Snacks will be provided. Hope to see you there!

SEL Tip of the Week: Reflection in the New Year (Clougher) All Classes

SEL Tip of the Week: Reflect and Reset January is the perfect time to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come and where you want to go. Self-reflection can help strengthen your social and emotional well-being by helping you identify patterns in how you respond to stress, connect with others, and handle setbacks, so you can make meaningful changes that improve your relationships and resilience.

Take a moment to think about the things you’re proud of from the past year—big and small—and the challenges you’ve overcome. Then, consider one area where you’d like to grow or improve this year. Remember, self-reflection isn’t about being perfect; it’s about learning and making intentional choices to be your best self AND celebrating all your work thus far.

TRY IT OUT: This week, write down three accomplishments from 2024 and one goal you want to focus on in 2025. Reflect on one small step you can take toward that goal.

MATHCounts (Bilodeau) Class VI, V

MATHCOUNTS is a prestigious math competition for middle schoolers (class VI and class V) which BLS students have historically done well at. The BLS Math Team is holding tryouts for MATHCOUNTS on Monday, January 13 at 2:30 in room 206. The tryouts will include both the sprint and target rounds, and students will be competing for 12 spots, with the top 4 scorers participating in the team round.

If interested, please email bostonlatinmath@gmail.com with your name, grade, and email!